It’s spring cleaning time….time to dust the blinds…and switch your winter clothes with your summer clothes….and deep six all that junk you’ve been saving.
But how about a little personal spring cleaning…on your self?
Lite Rock 95.9 is joining forces with Dr. Brent Staton of Staton Southern Medical and Skin Deep to help you focus on YOU! And that focus on you BEGINS with some YOU TIME for you and 11 of your friends.
Lite Rock 95.9’s own Sheila Scruggs is taking your dandy dozen to lunch at the Cooke House…and we’re picking up the tab. Enjoy some ladies time with your friends from the office….your church friends…those friends that you never get to spend time with.
With a healthy meal from the Cooke House and some time away from the office….you’re taking that first step toward some Personal Spring Cleaning.
Not only will you win lunch with your friends, you will be entered to win a session with the brand new Sculpting Machine at Staton Southern Medical, valued at $1,800. This 25-minute body contouring session reduces fat cells without surgery…and redefines your shape. It’s available exclusively from Staton Southern Medical, 1135 South Walnut Avenue in Cookeville. Call today for a better tomorrow at 400-0808.
You could also win a $200 Gift Card to use of any of the services available from Skin Deep, 605 North Willow in Cookeville, at the corner of Willow and 6th Avenue. From laser hair removal to age spot removal, vein removal, and wrinkle removal, Skin Deep can help you. Call 372-SKIN.
Fun and games with Lite Rock’s Shelia….free lunch at the Cooke House on the Cookeville Square….your chance to look brand new thanks to Staton Southern Medical and Skin Deep. Enjoy some personal spring cleaning….from Lite Rock 95.9. Click here to read the full list of rules.
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