Showcase local talent from across the Upper Cumberland with Andrea Kruszka and The Scene – Sunday mornings 8-10am on Lite Rock 95.9
Sundays 8-10am
Showcase local talent from across the Upper Cumberland with Andrea Kruszka and The Scene – Sunday mornings 8-10am on Lite Rock 95.9
Sundays 8-10am
Get to know handmade jewelry maker Lakeland Gordon, and how she got her start.
Join host Andrea Kruszka as she sits down with handmade jewelry maker Lakeland Gordon. They discuss her experience making earrings for her sister, and how this inspired her to create handmade jewelry, what led to her becoming so interested in art, as well as the current projects that she is working on, including some Christmas related items.
Presented by Harper’s Rare Books & Collectibles in Cookeville. New episodes every Sunday at 8am on Lite Rock 95.9.
Get to know Crossville artist Kassandra Ruiz-Wise, and her various art interests
Join host Andrea Kruszka as she sits down with Crossville artist Kassandra Ruiz-Wise. They discuss her freelance work, her interest in various types of art including digital illustration, print making, and collage making, what her process is like when starting a new project, as well as how the local art community and culture has helped and influenced her.
Presented by Harper’s Rare Books & Collectibles in Cookeville. New episodes every Sunday at 8am on Lite Rock 95.9.
Get to know local artist Erin Walker, and her journey into the textile arts.
Join host Andrea Kruszka as she sits down with textile artist Erin Walker. They discuss how she got started making dyes out of plants, acorns, walnuts, sumac berries, and more, her being self-taught in the art form, and what it took to learn textile arts, as well as how supportive and appreciative the local artist community has been for her.
Presented by Harper’s Rare Books & Collectibles in Cookeville. New episodes every Sunday at 8am on Lite Rock 95.9.
This week, get to know and learn more about Crossville fiber artist Faye Fedewa.
Join host Andrea Kruszka as she sits down with Crossville fiber artists Faye Fedewa. They discuss how he got started while taking classes at the Appalachian Center For Craft, his current hand-stitched quilt project, as well as his current major, and what his plans are for after finishing his major.
Presented by Harper’s Rare Books & Collectibles in Cookeville. New episodes every Sunday at 8am on Lite Rock 95.9.
Get to know local woodworker Jonathan Nelms, and where his interest comes from.
Join host Andrea Kruszka as she sits down with Cookeville woodworker Jonathan Nelms. They discuss how he got into woodworking, and how the interest took off, what he would like people to get out of his work, why people should make what they enjoy making, as well as how the local artist community has influenced him and his work.
Presented by Harper’s Rare Books & Collectibles in Cookeville. New episodes every Sunday at 8am on Lite Rock 95.9.
Get to know Cookeville painter Gary Lee, and his artistic process when painting.
Join host Andrea Kruszka as she sits down with Cookeville painter Gary Lee. They discuss how he got started painting, how painting contrasts with furniture design, what his artistic process is when starting a new piece of work, as well as what makes Cookeville different, both in the art community, and in general.
Presented by Harper’s Rare Books & Collectibles in Cookeville. New episodes every Sunday at 8am on Lite Rock 95.9.
Meet nature photographer Mary Ann Gilfillan, and her love of nature and flowers.
Join host Andrea Kruszka as she sits down with nature photographer Mary Ann Gilfillan. They discuss how she got started in photography, the types of shoots that she does and does not do, her current projects including one being featured in this year’s Art Prowl, as well as what it is about nature and flowers that inspires her so much.
Presented by Harper’s Rare Books & Collectibles in Cookeville. New episodes every Sunday at 8am on Lite Rock 95.9.
This week, discover the art, and inspiration of local artist Justin Blackmon.
Join host Andrea Kruszka as she sits down with local artist Justin Blackmon. They discuss how he became interested in art, and the influence that his high school art teacher had on him, what he turns to for inspiration when painting, as well as the organization Art Round Tennessee, and the various activities that they put on every year.
Presented by Harper’s Rare Books & Collectibles in Cookeville. New episodes every Sunday at 8am on Lite Rock 95.9.
Meet illustrator, children’s book author & Co-Owner of Harper’s, Lewis Matheney.
Join host Andrea Kruszka as she sits down with local illustrator, children’s book author, and Co-Owner of Harper’s Rare Books & Collectibles in Cookeville, Lewis Matheney. They discuss how he got his start with illustration, and writing children’s books, his life’s journey and what led to him writing his first children’s book, as well as how Harper’s Rare Books & Collectibles came to be.
Presented by Harper’s Rare Books & Collectibles in Cookeville. New episodes every Sunday at 8am on Lite Rock 95.9.
Learn more about TTU Director of the School of Art, Craft & Design Kim Winkle.
Join host Andrea Kruszka as she sits down with Kim Winkle, Director of the School of Art, Craft & Design at Tennessee Tech University, and the Appalachian Center for Craft. They discuss her background in art, how she was introduced to woodworking, her summer of teaching workshops across the country, the commissioned projects that she’s involved in, as well as whether she prefers instructing or working on her own projects, and who some of her favorite artists are.
Presented by Harper’s Rare Books & Collectibles in Cookeville. New episodes every Sunday at 8am on Lite Rock 95.9.