Showcase local talent from across the Upper Cumberland with Andrea Kruszka and The Scene – Sunday mornings 8-10am on Lite Rock 95.9
Sundays 8-10am
Showcase local talent from across the Upper Cumberland with Andrea Kruszka and The Scene – Sunday mornings 8-10am on Lite Rock 95.9
Sundays 8-10am
Rhyan talks about art & the range he has with projects working with mixed media
Join host Andrea Kruszka sits down with Rhyan McReynolds, an artist with a mixed media background and also a middle school art teacher. They talk about what was it that got him interested in art, how he decided he wanted to become an art teacher, and if he listens to anything to inspire him while he’s working on projects.
New episodes every Sunday at 8am on Lite Rock 95.9.
Jen and Emma talk all things Art Prowl with a preview for this year’s event.
Join host Andrea Kruszka meets with Jen Luna and Emma Levitz, the co-directors of Art Round Tennessee as they preview next month’s Art Prowl event. They discuss what to expect from this year’s Art Prowl with some new businesses and artists featured, how the First Friday events have been going that Art Round puts on, and more on the demos that will be available.
New episodes every Sunday at 8am on Lite Rock 95.9.
Pamela discusses her extensive photography background including boudoir & pinup.
Join host Andrea Kruszka visits with Pamela Claytor, a photographer with many different backgrounds that include boudoir and pin-up photography. They talk about Pamela’s background with photography going back early in her childhood, where the inspiration comes from for her set-ups, and what her favorite part is about doing boudoir and pin-up photo shoots.
New episodes every Sunday at 8am on Lite Rock 95.9.
Amy talks about Spotlight & their involvement with theatre all across the region
Join host Andrea Kruszka meets with Amy Ing, co-owner of Spotlight Costumes in Cookeville. They talk about where the idea of a costume shop came from, the fun in supplying the costumes to different productions, and what’s the most challenging thing she encounters when providing costumes for shows.
New episodes every Sunday at 8am on Lite Rock 95.9.
Nick discusses how he got his start with art in Cookeville & Picasso’s Gift Shop
Join host Andrea Kruszka sits down with Nick Freeman, an artist in Cookeville and owner of Picasso’s Gift Shop. Nick talks about how he started charcoal drawings of local interests in Cookeville, listening to television mostly while working instead of going the music route, and discussing the idea of his store Picasso’s Gift Shop and some of the artists they have.
New episodes every Sunday at 8am on Lite Rock 95.9.
Chris talks all things School of Music & an upcoming concert featuring students.
Join host Andrea Kruszka as she meets with Tennessee Tech’s Chris Reames, an associate professor in the School of Music. They discuss what attracted Chris to the position in the School of Music at Tennessee Tech, some of the other classes he teaches and what they do in those classes, and previewing a concert at Pleasant Hill Community Church on Sept. 17th.
New episodes every Sunday at 8am on Lite Rock 95.9.
Jayce discusses all things percussion and how his background has grown with this
Join host Andrea Kruszka as she meets with Tennessee Tech Percussion teacher Jayce Clemons. Jayce gives some background on earning his Master’s at the University of North Texas, if anything related to getting his doctorate will relate to his background in composing music, and how he got started with building instruments.
New episodes every Sunday at 8am on Lite Rock 95.9.
Briana discusses being a general artist and working with different mediums.
Join host Andrea Kruszka as she meets with general artist Briana Blohm from Cookeville. They talk about how she acquired her other artistic backgrounds while also having an industrial design background, how the art scene in the Upper Cumberland compares to North Dakota, and getting inspiration in everything from family to living close to Burgess Falls or watching a movie.
New episodes every Sunday at 8am on Lite Rock 95.9.
Katie discusses her background in general art and some murals that she’s done.
Join host Andrea Kruszka as she meets with artist and painter Katie Tyler. They look at what influenced Katie to start painting going all the way back to kindergarten, where she gets her ideas and some artists that likes to bounce ideas off of, and how the art scene here is different from New York’s art scene.
New episodes every Sunday at 8am on Lite Rock 95.9.
Andrew discusses his musical talent and plans ahead with albums he releases.
Join host Andrea Kruszka as she talks with Putnam County musician Andrew Buckner. They look at the song that Andrew heard that made him want to get started in music, where he tends to get his inspiration from when making new music, and the new instrumental album that was just released and what his goal is for these.
New episodes every Sunday at 8am on Lite Rock 95.9.