Sunday, February 23, 2025
Happening Now

Sheila Says: Some Fun For Tax Day

Tax day is coming soon. April 15th is the deadline to file. That being said is there anything you’d be willing to do to avoid paying taxes for the rest of your life. Here are some things people are willing to do to avoid paying Uncle Sam:

  1.  Get an “IRS” tattoo, 27% would do it.
  2.  Move to a different country, 16%.
  3.  Clean the toilets at Chipotle for three years, 11%.
  4.  Stop talking for six months, 10%.
  5.  Name your first-born child “Taxes,” 8%.
  6.  Sell a kidney, 6%.
  7.  Assuming you’d get away with it, murder someone, 4%.
  8.  Spend a year in prison, 4%.

