Sunday, February 23, 2025
Happening Now

Sheila Says: Local Amazing Race Beauty Queen Helps Ophans

Kelly McCorkle Parkison competed in CBS’s The Amazing Race and on the Miss America stage, becoming Miss South Carolina. She’s now a resident of Cookeville and is a pastor’s wife (Steven Street Baptist Church Cookeville). She and her husband Scott Parkison have five young children. Her new book “He Knows Her Name: An Amazing Pursuit to Adopt From India” is now available on Amazon (click smile amazon when you order and designate loft 218 to donate to her charity). .Another neat part of Kelly’s story is that she was diagnosed with severe learning disabilities as a child and was told she may never graduate from high school. So she gives God all the glory for becoming a published author! Kelly talked about all of this with me and how the proceeds of her book will go to build an orphanage.

Our Interview

Watch A Clip Of Kelly On The Amazing Race

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