Sunday, February 23, 2025
Happening Now

Sheila Says: Are You Superstitious?

Today is Friday the 13th and if you’re superstitious this is your year. Most years have 3 Friday the 13th’s, this is the only one this year. There are some odd coincidences around the number 13 like, Apollo 13. It barely escaped becoming a doomed flight and was launched on 13:13 CST, April 11,1970, with the explosion that disabled the craft occurring on April 13(a Monday). President Franklin Delano Roosevelt would never host a dinner party with 13 guests in attendance and refused to travel on the 13th day of any month! Miami Dolphin Quarterback Dan Marino wore No. 13 throughout his distinguished football career. In his one and only trip to the Super Bowl(1985), the San Francisco 49ers clobbered his team, 38-16! Stevie Wonder was born on this day.  He’s made it 65 years and also had a big hit with Superstition. As for me, I defy the superstition.  13 is one of my favorite numbers.  We make our own luck, right? Happy Friday the 13th. Enjoy a little Stevie Wonder!

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