Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Happening Now

September 2016’s Hometown High Fives

Hometown High Five With Sponsor (Logo) 04-18-16 copyCheck out our Hometown High Five recipients!

Tell us the good news about your spouse, child, friend or neighbor by posting on Facebook/Twitter with #hometownhighfive or email Sheila Scruggs about the special person and their honor. Then listen mornings, as Sheila delivers a Hometown High Five to that special someone.


Senior Kaitlyn Elizabeth Roller is this year’s homecoming queen for Dekalb County High School. Congratulations to Kaitlyn!


A big #HometownHighFive to Blaine Wilcher of Warren County. He won the Pioneer 5k in McMinnville recently with a time of 23 minutes. Way to go, Blanine!


Congratulations to Julianne & Katie Dunaway for making the varsity girls basketball team for the Cookeville Cavaliers.


Cumberland County Deputy Rod Jackson was given a life saving award for rescuing a two year old child from drowning.


Jennifer Preece Hicks of Cookeville just got her Associate of Science degree from Volunteer State Community College.


Lieutenant Brandon Herron of Baxter was given an award at the Ronald Reagan Dinner for his outstanding service in Putnam County.


Larissa Buck of Byrdstown has been accepted to Trevecca University. A big hometown high five on this milestone!


Congratulations to Lily Jordyn Rains of McMinnville who was recently crowned Little Fairest Of The Warren County Fair.


#HometownHighFive to QB Hunter Davis & Receiver Caleb Walker of Monterey High School. Hunter threw 56 yards to Caleb and he took it in for a touchdown.


Tennessee Tech’s Dontez Byrd was named special teams player of the week after he returned a kickoff 100 yards for a touchdown.


Dallas Smith of Cookeville has 71 current state running records under his belt at just about every distance possible and says there’s no chance of him retiring from running any time soon!


Congratulations to Amy Person who was recently First Flight Champion at Southern Hills Golf!


Vickie Loftis of Cookeville has been the agent of the month for two months in a row at American Way Real Estate!


Congratulations to Ruth Lucas of Crossville. She is the winner of the Ms.  Senior Cumberland County pageant.


Congratulations to Cookeville Fire Dept Captain Tom Brown. He has accepted the position of Chief of the Putnam County Fire Dept.


Teresa Boston of Crossville recently became a new member of the Cumberland County Board of Education.


Matt Phillips with The Jewelry Emporium, just recently became a new board member for The Upper Cumberland Child Advocacy Center.


Jane Odom of Cookeville competed in the Senior Olympic Games in Franklin, TN. She won gold in the singles of table tennis and a gold in doubles!


#HometownHighFive to the McMinnville Marine Corp League that donated backpacks filled with school supplies to Bobby Ray Elementary.


Seniors Eli Cross & Rachel Fuson were named Mr. & Miss Dekalb County High School.


#HometownHighFive to the new Cumberland County Fairest of the Fair, Gracy Bilyeu!

