Sunday, February 23, 2025
Happening Now

On National Dog Day I Honor My Dog Izzy

I met Izzy almost 10 years ago while featuring my Pet of the Week. She was only 8 weeks old, made eye contact with me and sat on my foot. She stayed by me the entire time.  She told me I needed her.  She was right. My husband and I adopted her from the Cookeville/Putnam County Animal Shelter. Through this dog, I have met many wonderful friends. I have walked more, smiled more, even enjoyed my back yard more by playing frisbee with her. On this National Dog Day, take a moment to realize how lucky you are to have that furry best friend that loves you no matter how bad your day has been. No matter how bad of a hair day you have.  No matter how mad you may get at them. They still greet us with eyes shinning and tails wagging.

Sheila Says: Izzy, thank you for making me smile! You’re one of the smartest dogs I’ve ever met and one of my very best friends.

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