Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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May 2016’s Hometown High Fives

Hometown High Five With Sponsor (Logo) 04-18-16 copyCheck out our Hometown High Five recipients for April 2016!

Tell us the good news about your spouse, child, friend or neighbor by posting on Facebook/Twitter with #hometownhighfive or email Sheila Scruggs about the special person and their honor. Then listen mornings, as Sheila delivers a Hometown High Five to that special someone.



Odyssey of the Mind World Finals: Putnam County Schools represented the whole state of TN. Congratulations to Algood Middle school for their fifth place (in the whole world) and Prescott South Middle which broke into the top 20.


Hometown High Five to Callie Kesty of Livingston for her soccer scholarship to play 4 years at Tennessee Wesleyan College in Athens.


Congratulations to Livingston’s Hope Stephens. She will be representing Tennessee in the Miss USA pageant next Sunday, June 5th on Fox!


We want to wish a Hometown High Five to Whitney Miller of Cookeville High School for placing first in the school art category of the Interfaith Peace Project.


#HometownHighFive to Larry Burks for winning the Carol Likens Award at the Tennessee Physical Therapy Association meeting.



Congratulations to Mara Duke of Cookeville. She is the recipient of a scholarship from Purity Dairies. She will be attending Tennessee Tech.


A big Hometown High Five to Lisa Hartigan from Crossville. She recently became the first female to graduate the Hybrid Electric Vehicle program at the Tennessee College of Applied Technology in Crossville.


Congrats to Taylor McWilliams of Cookeville who just became a certified lifeguard!


Congratulations to Shani Maria Palombo who was recently crowned Miss Eastside in McMinnville.


The Tennessee Tech Chorale preformed at Ireland’s largest Cathedral, St. Patrick’s and then sang George Frideric Handel’s Messiah at the very location it was first preformed.


Jim McCaleb, service coordinator with the AAAD, won the community hero award for his dedication and service to his clients.


#HometownHighFive to Ethan Hammock and Abby Clough of Livingston Academy for being voted King & Queen of their prom.


Congratulations to Andrew Manley of Cookeville High School. He is this year’s valedictorian.


#HometownHighFive to Macey Davis for being the 2016 Valedictorian of her class at Monterey High School.


Congratulations to Kensley Nash of Upperman High for being Valedictorian of her class.


The prom King & Queen at Jackson County High School were Dylan Penley and Danielle Smit!


Congrats to Luke Hornby of Cookeville for his academic excellence at Tennessee Tech University in the Military Science Department Army ROTC.


Samantha Maulding just became a member of the Beta Club at Rickman Elementary. Congrats!!


‪#‎HometownHighFive‬ to Principal of the Year Vicki Presson of Cumberland County Schools. She has over 35 years of teaching experience.


Congrats to Lexi Rowland & Will Lupo who were crowned Queen & King at Warren County High School prom.


Congrats to Braxton Pugh of Smithville for receiving a $500 scholarship at the Tennessee State Leadership Conference.

