Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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June 2016’s Hometown High Fives

Hometown High Five With Sponsor (Logo) 04-18-16 copyCheck out our Hometown High Five recipients!

Tell us the good news about your spouse, child, friend or neighbor by posting on Facebook/Twitter with #hometownhighfive or email Sheila Scruggs about the special person and their honor. Then listen mornings, as Sheila delivers a Hometown High Five to that special someone.



June is Dairy Month. Congratulations to Sierra Ray from Monterey for being chosen as the chairman.


‪#‎HometownHighFive‬ to Harrison Bennett, 5 years old and ambassador for the Kiwanis Cookeville Children’s Museum.


Congratulations to Matthew Bilbrey of Crossville who placed 5th at the Elks Hoop Shoot National Contest in Chicago.


Congratulations to Kaylee Hargis & Lindsey Carwile of Livingston Academy. They made All-American at cheer camp.


Hometown High Five to David Cooper of Crossville for being recognized by the Crossville Police Chief. David saved a woman’s life by pulling her from a burning car.


Cookeville‘s Abbi Dalton Is competing in the Miss Teen America Pageant on July 6-9.


Congratulations to Matt Prowse with the Cookeville Fire Department for receiving the Distinguished Service Medal at the Cookeville City Council Meeting.


#HometownHighFive to Warren Co.’s Lauren Mansfield for winning 4-H Dairy Princess


Kim Norrod from Avery Trace Middle School gets a big Hometown High Five because she made All American at cheer camp!


Congratulations to Phillip Baker who celebrates 25 years as a Farm Bureau agent! 


Congratulations, Tammie Gribble of McMinnville, for going above and beyond in your service to the Mental Health Association & winning the Bell Ringer Award.


#HometownHighFive to Sara Beth Jones of Cookeville who just became an RN.


Congratulations to Hailey Kendrick of Cookeville. She made All-American at cheer camp!


Congratulations to Shelby West Of Gordonsville High School. Shelby received the 2016 Dream Big Scholarship Thursday night from Lite Rock 95.9, 106-9 Kicks Country and the Tennessee Credit Union.


We want to say a big ‪#‎HometownHighFive‬ to Will Brooks who has decided to attend TTU after he graduates from Cookeville High School next year.


Congrats to Ericka Davidson from Jackson County Middle School for getting all A’s her last semister of 7th grade.


#HometownHighFive ‬ to the Pioneer angler team of Samuel & Matthew Vandergriff of McMinnville. They were name the Southeast Tennessee High School Bass Trail Champions.


Congrats to Rich Froning and his Crossfit Mayhem Freedom team! They won the regional competition and will advance to defend their overall title in the Reebok Crossfit Games in July.


#HometownHighFive to Dekalb County resident Alexis Cornelius for receiving recognition as a graduating member of the honor society, Phi Theta Kappa from Motlow College.


Cookeville Lady Cavs All District Pitcher Payten Price signed with UT Chattanoog. She’ll be continuing her playing career and education as a UTC Moc.


#HometownHighFive to Emily Pennington of McMinnville. She was elected Speaker of the Senate and will represent Warren County 4-H next year.

