Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Happening Now

July 2016’s Hometown High Fives

Hometown High Five With Sponsor (Logo) 04-18-16 copyCheck out our Hometown High Five recipients!

Tell us the good news about your spouse, child, friend or neighbor by posting on Facebook/Twitter with #hometownhighfive or email Sheila Scruggs about the special person and their honor. Then listen mornings, as Sheila delivers a Hometown High Five to that special someone.


Congratulations to Mary Jones Kelly of Crossville for bringing home 4 medals in the Senior Olympics in Franklin.


Eric Frazier of Warren County has been honored with a bridge dedicated to him for his service to his country and for making his community proud. Eric was wounded in Iraq when an IED exploded. We’re so glad he made it back to the Upper Cumberland to be with his family & friends again.


‪#‎HometownHighFive‬ to Nick Baker of Cookeville for being a part of FFA and laying the wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier.


Randy Duke of Gainesboro was recently honored by Averitt for his 35 years of service.


Congrats to David Cranford of Sparta. He was just promoted Captain with the Murfreesboro Fire and Rescue Department.


Warren County School Systems Employee of the Year is Dawn Winton of McMinnville.


The 15 & 16 year old Putnam County All Star Dirt Dobbers are state champs and will be representing Tennessee in the South East Regional Tournament! WAY TO GO!!


The Cumberland County EMS department was recently honored with A Lifeline Gold Achievement Award from the American Heart Association for their excellence in care.


Congrats to Audrey Haston of Cookeville won the girls 14-17 division in the Upper Cumberland Junior Golf Championships and was the overall tournament winner for the girls.


Congrats to McMinnville native Mark Gwyn. He was recently reappointed by Gov. Haslam as TBI director. It’s the first time someone has served a third time as director.


Three Crossville Senior men’s softball teams medal at the Senior Olympics Games in Franklin! Ages 60-64 won bronze, the team aged 70-74 won gold and 75+ also won gold! CONGRATS!!!


Livingston Regional Hospital won first place for Overton County Highlands Fitness Challenge. Great job!!


Tech football alums this weekend were in town for the Tech Football Alumni Golf Classic. The team of Danny Brooks, Brent Harris, Sam Brooks and Will Brooks won the event, shooting a 17-under 53


Congrats to Eduardo Mena and Kevin Strohschein. They will share the Tech’s Outstanding Male Athlete award.


‪#‎HometownHighFive to Rae Reels from Cookeville for being award the Sam’s Club Associate of the month!


Congratulations to TTU Graduate Kristy Sullins who has a solo exhibit at the Cumberland County Art Society.


Tech Volleyball player and Cookeville native Cody Dodd selected as Tech’s 2015-16 Outstanding Female Athlete.


Congratulations to Cookeville native Hannah Ellis who will be a Graduate Student at Florida International University studying Higher Education Administration in the fall.

