Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Happening Now

Hometown High Five To Crossville’s Ed Liskovec Inducted Into Hall Of Fame

Check out our Hometown High Five recipients!

Tell us the good news about your spouse, child, friend or neighbor by posting on Facebook/Twitter with #hometownhighfive or email Sheila Scruggs about the special person and their honor.  Then listen mornings, as Sheila delivers a Hometown High Five to that special someone.


#HometownHighFive to Crossville’s Ed Liskovec for being inducted into the Tennessee Senior Olympics Hall Of Fame. He’s won 280 medals in various sports.


Kolton Pippin of Cookeville won first place honors at the American Legion Post 129 Kid’s Fishing Tournament recently. His fish weighed 20.9 pounds!


Livingston’s Fairest of the Fair Winner and Most Photogenic was Amy Rogers! Congratulations, Amy.


Kimberly Harmon is the sales manager of Hampton Inn of Cookeville. She just won one of their highest awards; the Spirit Award for affecting guests positively! Congratulations, Kim!


The Putnam County 4-H Wildlife Judging team recently placed 5th in the State Wildlife Contest. Congratulations to Hannah Armstrong, Katherine Wiezorek, Emily Armstrong and Hannah Bernhardt.


#HometownHighFive to Mary Gean. She recently received the Scott Wolf Memorial Scholarship from Averitt Express.


The Team “Cops & Robbers” won the mixed 8-ball League in Cookeville. Congrats to Mitch Harrington, Matt Farmer, David Enfinger & Jason Sorennsen.


Congrats to Livingston Academy anglers, Brady Huddleston & Ethan Carr. They had the largest haul totaling 6lbs, 11oz. during the World Finals.

Congratulations to new TWRA wildlife officer Jamie Greenwood from Cookeville who recentlly completed his training.

#HometownHighFive to Dekalb Co High student Pablo Juarez and teacher Cody Burton. Juarez recently represented DeKalb Co as a delegate of the Washington Youth tour. He and his teacher got to tour DC and learn about government.


Congratulations to Wes & Paul Korth of Crossville. They won their 8th trophy recently during the Parent-Child Tournament at Stonehenge Golf Course.


Cookeville High JROTC cadet Harmon Wattenbarger was recently awarded the Cavalier Battalion Saber Award.


Congratulations to Jennifer Anderson on being named Teacher Of The Year at the Adult High School.


#HometownHighFive to Lisa Violette who was valedictorian of her class at the Adult High School in Cookeville.


Chad Hilton from Crossville recently received teh Self-Determination Award from the Tennessee Disability Mega Conference. He also serves on The Arc Cumerland County’s Recreation Advisory Committee.


Congratulations to 13 year old Colton Profitt of Crossville on his first feature win in the front wheel class at the I-75 Raceway in Sweetwater, TN.


Congratulations to Brandon Smith of Cookeville, who is the assistant director of Putnam County E-911 Services. He won the Safety Award for his dedication to his job and our community on saving lives.


In a recent competition, these grade schoolers took top honors in achery: Taylor Hunter, Rachael Lynn, Cassie Harris, Alex Bowman, Samuel Morrison and Mason Bowman. Congratulations!


Eldon Burgess of Granville recently won the Uncle Jimmy Thompson Bluegrass Award at the Granville music festival. Eldon is know throughout the Upper Cumberland for his fiddle playing.


