Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Happening Now

December 2016’s Hometown High Fives

Hometown High Five With Sponsor (Logo) 04-18-16 copyCheck out our Hometown High Five recipients!

Tell us the good news about your spouse, child, friend or neighbor by posting on Facebook/Twitter with #hometownhighfive or email Sheila Scruggs about the special person and their honor. Then listen mornings, as Sheila delivers a Hometown High Five to that special someone.


Smithville NHC recently honored two nurses for 15 years of service with the facility. Monica Baker and Sabra Murphy serve as unit managers at NHC Smithville. They received their 15-year service pin along with other special gifts during the December monthly employee meeting.


Jackson County High School Coach Kevin King has been awarded the Jim Painter Lifetime Achievement Award by the Tennessee Baseball Coaches Association.


Cumberland County’s Spencer Bowman will compete at the State Championship Elks Lodge Hoop Shoot in Franklin, TN in February. Spencer has already won the local in the district free throw contest for 8-9 year old boys. He’s a student at North Cumberland Elementary and the son of Rusty and Stephanie Bowman.


Jon Roach, of Asap Farriers in Crossville, was recently inducted into the Brotherhood of Working Farriers Association Hall of Fame. Farriers are trained in the art of shoeing horses and assist owners with treating hoof and limb injuries. They also are a source of information education and assistance to horse owners.


Clay County High School’s Future Business Leaders of America recently traveled to Nashville to tour Nissan Stadium and meet with members of the Titans organization including the turf manager, head of ticket sales and director of social media marketing. Students got to go through the game day locker room and try on actual items from the team, including rain coats, ponchos and pads.


Members of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, Capt. Sally Tompkins chapter #2123 in Livingston, presented handmade caps and lap throws to the Cookeville Cancer Center recently. The caps and throws were made by UCD member Colette Dishman and were part of the UDC’s yearly projects.


American Legion Post 4 in Livingston recently honored E.C Reagan as its veteran of the week. Regan served as a Sergeant in the U.S. Army during the Korean War.


Members of the Overton County American Legion recently repaired a fading sign in front of Livingston Academy. Legion members included John McLeod, R.E. “Bobcat” Secott, Jim Schnitcke and Norm Osburn.


Former TTU alum Eric Schmitt-Matzen plays Santa for several kids in the Knoxville area. He gave a 5 year old boy his dying wish to talk to Santa.


#HometownHighFive to Buddy, the Lake Tansi community dog. He’s actually owned by Lynn and Margaret Christmas, but he doesn’t like to stay at home … he visits other families, the exxon station, the Happy Sac & the 19th Hole Restaurant and pro shop. Thanks for giving everyone a smile and a tail wag.


Jackson County Middle School Band members were chosen to participate in 2 different honor bands. The first group attended Austin Peay State University Middle School Honor Band. They are Sarah Tiffin, Jessica Vohs, Elizabeth Sherrill and Sarah McMullen. The second group attended the Prescott South Middle School Honor Band. They are Jessica Vohs, Bethany Borges, Katie Rodriguez and Steven West.


The Rotary Club of Fairfield Glade recently welcomed two new Rotarians, Kennetha Wattenbarger and Patrick Stull. Wattenbarger is the wellness director at Good Samaritan Society in Fairfield Glade and Stull is a chiropractor at Crossville Family Chiropractic.


Hugh Davenport, longtime Clay County Farm Bureau Agent, retired Nov. 30. He served as the agent for 40 years. Davenport looks forward to spending more time with his family.


Congratulations to Cookeville High School’s Ryan Bradshaw. He was signed by King University out of Bristol to play golf.


Andrew Dennis who is a second grader at Crossville’s Martin Elementary was recently honored by the Crossville City Council for his good manners.


Homestead Elementary School Students of Crossville helped provide Thanksgiving meals to 60 families. Thanks to the students for helping the needy in our community.


The Dekalb County Middle School Junior Beta Club won the group talent category at the State Convention with their anit-bullying skit “Be The Change”. They will participate in the national competitions in Orlando.


#HometownHighFive to Brett Knight for recently being hired as attorney for the Overton County Board of Education.

