Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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Author Archives: Will Hearn

9 O’Clock News Local Edition

9 oclock news copyLocal Music Has A New Home. Rock 93-7’s 9 O Clock News Local Edition

Every week night on the 9 O Clock News Greg delivers 3 hours of new music along with stories and interviews with bands from everywhere. Everywhere but here. We think it’s time to change that.

Rock 93-7 and the 9 O Clock News are proud to offer local music with the Local Edition. Every Sunday night we’re giving local artists and bands the chance to share the music they make with everyone else in the Uppper Cumberland. Whether it’s just you and your instrument or you’ve got a band ready for the big time.

If you have a band or music that you’d like to have on the show fill out the form below and give us your information. You can also drop by our studioes at 259 South Willow Avenue and give us your bio and a sample of your music.

We’re ready to give you and your music the chance to be heard, so we ask that only those who are serious about this chance submit materials. We also ask that any and all submissions meet the requirements listed below.

Rock 93-7 and the 9 O Clock News Local Edition the home for local music in the Upper Cumberland.

Visit Rock 93-7’s site to sign up and be heard!

Rock 93-7 and the 9 O Clock News Local Edition encourage all local musicians and bands to submit their information and music for review to be heard on the radio. All submitted music must be fully produced and either playable through compact disc or digital music formats. Rock 93-7 reserves the right to determine which materials are suitable quality and content for airing on it’s stations. All materials submitted become the property of Rock 93-7 and the 9 O Clock News Local Edition and will not be returned. Rock 93-7 reserves the right to use submitted music and materials for use in promotion both on and off air and during broadcasts of the program.



9 O'Clock News Local Edition

Local Music Has A New Home. Rock 93-7’s 9 O Clock News Local Edition

Every week night on the 9 O Clock News Greg delivers 3 hours of new music along with stories and interviews with bands from everywhere. Everywhere but here. We think it’s time to change that.

Rock 93-7 and the 9 O Clock News are proud to offer local music with the Local Edition. Every Sunday night we’re giving local artists and bands the chance to share the music they make with everyone else in the Uppper Cumberland. Whether it’s just you and your instrument or you’ve got a band ready for the big time.

If you have a band or music that you’d like to have on the show fill out the form below and give us your information. You can also drop by our studioes at 259 South Willow Avenue and give us your bio and a sample of your music.

We’re ready to give you and your music the chance to be heard, so we ask that only those who are serious about this chance submit materials. We also ask that any and all submissions meet the requirements listed below.

Rock 93-7 and the 9 O Clock News Local Edition the home for local music in the Upper Cumberland.

Visit Rock 93-7’s site to sign up and be heard!

Rock 93-7 and the 9 O Clock News Local Edition encourage all local musicians and bands to submit their information and music for review to be heard on the radio. All submitted music must be fully produced and either playable through compact disc or digital music formats. Rock 93-7 reserves the right to determine which materials are suitable quality and content for airing on it’s stations. All materials submitted become the property of Rock 93-7 and the 9 O Clock News Local Edition and will not be returned. Rock 93-7 reserves the right to use submitted music and materials for use in promotion both on and off air and during broadcasts of the program.


Rocky Horror Show's Anniversary

The Rocky Horror Picture Show was released on this date in 1975.  It’s hard to believe next year will be it’s 40th anniversary. This cult classic is the longest-running theatrical release in film history. MAC cosmetics will release a Rocky Horror inspired collection for their 40th anniversary.  It will include lipsticks, lip pencils, eye shadows, glitter, blushes, powders, eyeliner, lashes and be priced from $17 to $44.  It’s available October 2. Just in time for Halloween.

the-rocky-horror-picture-show-cast                       rocky-horror-picture-show


Jane Fonda & Lily Tomlin Teaming Up With Sheen For Series

The two from 9 to 5 that had such great chemistry together, Jane Fonda & Lily Tomlin, will be in a new comedy series for Netflix called Grace & Frankie. Martin Sheen will also star as Jane’s husband.  Jane was seen carrying around a chair with Ryan Gosling’s face printed on the seat. She said the chair is amusingly used during the first episode. Interesting……..



Sign Up Now for The Kitchn Cure! — The Kitchn Cure Fall 2014

By Cambria Bold

Next week we are starting our annual Kitchn Cure! Are you ready? If you’ve never taken The Kitchn Cure, here’s the scoop: It’s a 4-week program of small daily tasks and encouragements to get your kitchen into shape for fall cooking. We’ll gently prompt you to clean your fridge, wipe out your spice shelves, and take charge of your cooking space. As I said last year, “My experience can be summed up this way: it made me finally do the things I’ve been wanting to do in my kitchen.”

Are you ready to make your space healthier, fresher, and more organized? Join us! We’re all in it together!


…read more

Source: The Kitchn


How I Save Leftover Chipotles in Adobo Sauce — Tips from The Kitchn

By Christine Gallary

Smoky, spicy canned chipotles in adobo are one of my favorite flavor-boosters. Just a little bit of this wonderfully smoky, spicy stuff adds so much flavor to my cooking, but it also leads to one of the more annoying aspects of opening up a can: dealing with the leftovers.

With just three easy steps, you can save the rest of the can in easy-to-use portions so none of it goes to waste!


…read more

Source: The Kitchn


How I Save Leftover Chipotles in Adobo Sauce — Tips from The Kitchn

By Christine Gallary

Smoky, spicy canned chipotles in adobo are one of my favorite flavor-boosters. Just a little bit of this wonderfully smoky, spicy stuff adds so much flavor to my cooking, but it also leads to one of the more annoying aspects of opening up a can: dealing with the leftovers.

With just three easy steps, you can save the rest of the can in easy-to-use portions so none of it goes to waste!


…read more

Source: The Kitchn
