Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Will Hearn

Video From The Company Doing The Cookeville July 4th Fireworks Show

If you’re wondering what kind of fireworks show to expect at the City Of Cookeville July 4th Celebration, here’s a video from the company that will be doing the fireworks at the Putnam County Fairgrounds that displays some of the other shows they have done.



Elton John's Heart Shaped Glasses Found

Elton John’s glasses that were stolen from the Memphis Rock & Soul Museum have been recovered. Detectives were able to lift a fingerprint and match it to a suspect, 26 year old Matthew Colvin (his pic is below) of Mississippi. The glasses are worth an estimated $2000 and are on loan to the museum from Hard Rock Cafe International.

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Sheila's Pet Of The Week: Bugs Bunny

Bugs the bunny is about a year old. He’s very sweet and cuddly. He’s the most laid back bunny we have ever known. Great with kids!  He will let you hold him like a baby. Bugs doesn’t even kick when you pick him up. He just goes limp and wants to be held. Adopt him from the Cookeville Putnam County Shelter next to the Hyder Burks Pavilion, Monday through Saturday Noon to 6pm.



Watch These Oreo & Milk Tricks

A video called “Oreo Trick Shots” is going viral.  The guy in it is shooting Oreo cookies into a glass of milk, but it’s not as lame as it sounds. Some of these tricks will make you want to cheer! I’d say by how good he is, he doesn’t work and has the time to practice these cool shots.


Meet Our Previous Dream Big Scholar Winner; Luke Hornby

Lite Rock 95.9 and The Tennessee Credit Union would like to congratulate Luke Hornby, from Cookeville High School, as this years Dream Big Scholar winner.

In addition to being an Eagle Scout, Hornby is a Battalion Commander in the JROTC program at Cookeville High School. This is the highest rank that a student may reach in the JROTC program.

During the recent ice storms, Hornby worked 10 hour days assisting with the disaster relief in Crossville.

After high school, Hornby is looking to pursue a career in the armed forces. He would also like to major in history, specifically military history.

Outside of school, Hornby is an active member of his church where he serves as a liturgist.

Congratulations Luke from Lite Rock 95.9 and The Tennessee Credit Union.




It’s the most important draft decision the Titans have faced since they arrived in the mid south. What will they do with the number two selection in the 2015 NFL Draft?

As the decision approaches, the Upper Cumberland’s official Titans station, 106-9 Kicks Country and Titans Radio have teamed up to bring you the latest information on who will go where and to whom.

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night at 6, join Cookeville’s News Talk 100.9/AM 1600 for one-hour draft preview specials anchored by the Voice of the Titans Mike Keith. Meet many of the first round picks plus get the inside scoop from the Titans front office.

Then, Thursday night beginning at 6, Rock 93-7 covers every pick of the first round as the Titans Radio team breaks it down. Friday night at 5:30, the second and third rounds unfold live on Rock 93-7.

The weekend concludes Saturday night following the Kentucky Derby on News Talk 100.9 as you get the chance to meet all the new Titans.

It’s the 2015 NFL Draft and we’ve got the team to cover YOUR team….Rock 93-7 and Cookeville’s News Talk 100.9.


New Stroke Approach To Preserve Function

By Travis Fedschun

memorisz/iStock/Thinkstock(NEW YORK) — When strokes involve a clot in one of the brain’s blood vessels, what is known as an ischemic stroke, doctors give the clot-busting chemical tPA.

The chemical saves lives, but leads to only two in five people attaining functional independence.

A new study published in The New England Journal of Medicine shows that in addition to tPA, using special tools to manually remove the clot may save function in more patients.

The study was so positive that researchers said it was cut short so other patients could benefit from the approach.

In the multicenter study, UCLA researchers gave 196 people with ischemic stroke either tPA alone or tPA followed by a manual removal of the clot.

The group who had the clot removal had a 60-percent improvement in functional outcomes, while those getting tPA alone only saw a 35-percent improvement.

While clot removal is a procedure that can only be done at specialized centers under specific conditions, researchers said this could encourage more specialization in this specific technique.

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Source:: ABC News Radio Health


Growing A Generation Winner: Michael Vigeant Gainesboro Elementary

Michael Vigeant teaches third grade at Gainesboro Elementary in Gainesboro. Michael was nominated by a former student who says that he is enjoyably smart, and that she misses him everyday since she is in the fourth grade now. He knows how to make learning fun and exciting for all of his students, but also has a serious side when needed just like most teachers.


Sheila's Pet Of The Week: Caraway

Caraway is a gray tabby that loves to play. She’s very smart and alert with beautiful greenish-yellow eyes. She is spayed & ready to go home with you today from the Cookeville Shelter.

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Sheila's Pet Of The Week: Posey

Posey is a playful little girl. She is great with other cats and kids.  Adoption is $70. That includes her being spayed and fully vetted. The Cookeville/Putnam County Animal Shelter is open 12-6 Monday – Saturday.

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