Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Will Hearn

Upper Cumberland Spirit: Cumberland County

UC SPIRIT 200x200106-9 Kicks Country and Progressive Savings Bank asked Cumberland County to show their Upper Cumberland Spirit.  They did and it could win Cumberland County $1000! Check out the gallery below.

Now it’s your turn Jackson County! Click Here to upload your pictures!

And be sure to come out Friday night for the Football Friday Tailgate Party from 5-7pm. We’ll have plenty of photo ops for you, your kids, and the entire community.

The school with the most Upper Cumberland Spirit Pictures at the end of the season wins the $1000 from Progressive Savings Bank.

You only have until Sunday at midnight to get all your pictures uploaded so get busy and show your Upper Cumberland Spirit!


Upper Cumberland Spirit - Cumberland County



Livingston Academy Has The Most Upper Cumberland Spirit

UC SPIRIT 200x200106-9 Kicks Country and Progressive Savings Bank asked Livingston to show their Upper Cumberland Spirit.  They did and it could win Livingston $1000! Check out the gallery below.

Now it’s your turn Cumberland County! Click Here to upload your pictures!

And be sure to come out Friday night for the Football Friday Tailgate Party from 5-7pm. We’ll have plenty of photo ops for you, your kids, and the entire community.

The school with the most Upper Cumberland Spirit Pictures at the end of the season wins the $1000 from Progressive Savings Bank.

You only have until Sunday at midnight to get all your pictures uploaded so get busy and show your Upper Cumberland Spirit!


Upper Cumberland Spirit - Livingston



Upper Cumberland Spirit: Monterey

UC SPIRIT 200x200Lite Rock 95.9 and Progressive Savings Bank asked Monterey to show their Upper Cumberland Spirit.  They did and it could win Monterey $1000! Check out the gallery below.

Now it’s your turn Cumberland County! Click Here to upload your pictures!

And be sure to come out Friday night for the Football Friday Tailgate Party from 5-7pm. We’ll have plenty of photo ops for you, your kids, and the entire community.

The school with the most Upper Cumberland Spirit Pictures at the end of the season wins the $1000 from Progressive Savings Bank.

You only have until Sunday at midnight to get all your pictures uploaded so get busy and show your Upper Cumberland Spirit!


Upper Cumberland Spirit - Monterey



Growing A Generation Winner: White County Middle’s Brian Amaral

IMG_20150909_123737789Brian Amaral has been the band director at White County Middle School for 10 years. Music has always been an area of strength for Mr. Amaral. His band directors were very important people in his life. He wanted to pass along his knowledge of music to students and make a difference in their lives.


Listen to Mr. Amaral’s interview with Sheila Scruggs to learn more!



Upper Cumberland Spirit: DeKalb County

UC SPIRIT 200x200Lite Rock 95.9 and Progressive Savings Bank asked DeKalb County to show their Upper Cumberland Spirit.  They did and it could win DeKalb County $1000! Check out the gallery below.

Now it’s your turn Monterey and Livingston! Click Here to upload your pictures!

And be sure to come out Friday night for the Football Friday Tailgate Party from 5-7pm. We’ll have plenty of photo ops for you, your kids, and the entire community.

The school with the most Upper Cumberland Spirit Pictures at the end of the season wins the $1000 from Progressive Savings Bank.

You only have until Sunday at midnight to get all your pictures uploaded so get busy and show your Upper Cumberland Spirit!




Upper Cumberland Spirit: Cookeville

UC SPIRIT 200x200106-9 Kicks Country and Progressive Savings Bank asked Cookeville to show their Upper Cumberland Spirit.  They did and it could win Cookeville $1000! Check out the gallery below.

Now it’s your turn DeKalb County! Click Here to upload your pictures!

And be sure to come out Friday night for the Football Friday Tailgate Party from 5-7pm. We’ll have plenty of photo ops for you, your kids, and the entire community.

The school with the most Upper Cumberland Spirit Pictures at the end of the season wins the $1000 from Progressive Savings Bank.

You only have until Sunday at midnight to get all your pictures uploaded so get busy and show your Upper Cumberland Spirit!




Upper Cumberland Spirit: York Institute

UC SPIRIT 200x200106-9 Kicks Country and Progressive Savings Bank asked York Institute to show their Upper Cumberland Spirit.  They did and it could win York Institute $1000! Check out the gallery below.

Now it’s your turn Cookeville! Click Here to upload your pictures!

And be sure to come out Friday night for the Football Friday Tailgate Party from 5-7pm. We’ll have plenty of photo ops for you, your kids, and the entire community.

The school with the most Upper Cumberland Spirit Pictures at the end of the season wins the $1000 from Progressive Savings Bank.

You only have until Sunday at midnight to get all your pictures uploaded so get busy and show your Upper Cumberland Spirit!




Putnam Co Charities: Get Funds From Santa’s Workshop

santas workshopThrough Santa’s Workshop funds, GFWC Cookeville Junior Woman’s Club members have supported many causes and look forward to working with past organizations as well as new organizations.

Santa’s Workshop funds support non-profit organizations located in Putnam County who work to make a difference in Putnam County and the Upper Cumberland region. If your organization would like to request funds from the 2015 Santa’s Workshop, please complete the attached Santa’s Workshop Funds Request Form and submit all requested items.

Santa’s Workshop Funds are to be used for specific projects for your organization, not to be used for general funds. A representative of your organization should be ready to attend our September 17th meeting (6:15 p.m., Fellowship Hall of First Presbyterian Church, 20 North Dixie Avenue, Cookeville) to give a ONE MINUTE presentation to our club about this project.

You will still be eligible for funds if a representative is unable to attend, but these presentations are very helpful for our members to make an informed decision about the distribution of Santa’s Workshop funds.

Whether you have received funds in the past or not, please apply.

Click Here To Download

