Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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Author Archives: Will Hearn

Growing A Generation Winner: Lindsey Porter Of Cane Creek Elementary

Lindsey Porter CroppedLindsey Porter is a second grade teacher at Cane Creak Elementary. Inspired by her grandmother who is a retired teacher, Ms. Porter wanted to be as kind and loving as her grandmother. Ms. Porter loves to teach reading, but has had a lot of fun teaching math as of late. Ms. Porter was nominated by one of her students, ” Ms. Porter is a lot of fun, and lets us do a lot of really cool activities like going outside.”

Listen to Ms. Porter’s interview with Sheila Scruggs to learn more!



April 2016’s Hometown High Fives

Hometown High Five With Sponsor (Logo) 04-18-16 copyCheck out our Hometown High Five recipients for April 2016!

Tell us the good news about your spouse, child, friend or neighbor by posting on Facebook/Twitter with #hometownhighfive or email Sheila Scruggs about the special person and their honor. Then listen mornings, as Sheila delivers a Hometown High Five to that special someone.


Our ‪#‎HometownHighFive‬ goes to Josh Melton. He won the Dekalb County Community Leader of the Year Award!


Livingston Academy Student Brad Sells is one of the top students in the nation. He finished in the Top 10 for the American Legion Oratorical Contest.


Congratulations to Shan Burklow on being named as Regional Communications Coordinator with St Thomas Dekalb Hospital.


Congratulations to Carly Selby of Crossville. She represented Cumberland Co. Schools in the Tennessee State Finals of the Poetry Out Loud contest. She medaled in the competition, placing in the top 10.


Congratulations to Dan Fenlon for getting his Silver Beaver award from the Boy Scouts of America!


Lesa Hayes has been named 2016 Teacher of the Year in Dekalb County. The 17 year veteran teaches math at Dekalb Middle School.


A Hometown High Five to the Stone Memorial High School Dance Team of Crossville for being honored with a luncheon. They not only performed this year at football & basketball games but also during University of Tennessee’s Spirit Day!


Congratulations to the Putnam County Citizens of the Month, Matt Bridges & James Runyon. They rescued a mother and her two children from a burning apartment.


Congratulations Logan Monks on receiving 2 scholarships from Whitson-Hester School of Nursing.


Congratulations to Phillip Brock of Warren County. He has been named valedictorian of Boyd Christian School. He also received a scholarship to attend Motlow Community College.


‪#‎HometownHighFive‬ to Holly Neal of Crossville for being recognized at the United Fund Annual meeting for her 15 years of service as the executive director.


Congratulations to Kurt Dronebarger on his new position as White County Director of Schools.


Congratulations to Boyd Christian students in Warren County who were chosen for American Legion Auxiliary Volunteer Girls & Boys State at David Lipscomb University in May: Erin Cantrell, Emma Rhoton, Blaine Wilson & Trey Cantrell


Michael & Vickie Bouldin of Warren County have been named Citizens of the Year by Morrison Ruritan.


Hometown High Five to Jake Harrington who lettered in his first year wrestling, received an award for most improved and was voted team captain! Way to go Jake!



Growing A Generation Winner: Livingston Middle’s Steve Mosley

Steve Mosley CroppedSteve Mosley is a science teacher at Livingston Middle School. After serving in the military, Mr. Mosley decided to go back to school with hopes of becoming a teacher and coaching football. Mr. Mosley was nominated by a current student for, “Mr. Mosley tries to make things in the class fun. We do a lot of experiments which make things very different compared to our other classes. You can tell that he has fun with his students in the classroom.”

Listen to Mr. Mosley’s interview with Sheila Scruggs to learn more!



Monterey High School’s Brooke Bowden Is A Dream Big Scholar

Brooke Bowden CroppedBrooke Bowden, a senior at Monterey High School, has been selected the 106-9 Kicks Country/Lite Rock 95.9 Dream Big Scholar for April.

The award honors outstanding work in the classroom, leadership in school groups and organization, achievement in extra curricular activities as well as work in the community. One student from a high school across the Upper Cumberland wins the award each month.

In addition to Bowden’s classroom success, she takes part in Beta and the National Honor Society. She also participates in FCLA, I Am Club, and Rotary. Students at Monterey voted Bowden Student Government Vice President.

After graduation, Bowden plans to pursue a profession in occupational therapy.

Lite Rock 95.9 Morning Show Host Sheila Scruggs presented Bowden with a plaque during a visit to Montery High School. Bowden will join other Dream Big Scholars from the 2015-2016 academic year at a spring banquet.

Lite Rock 95.9 and 106-9 Kicks Country joined forces with The Tennessee Credit Union in 2014 to encourage rising seniors who want to Dream Big. Bowden now could win a $1,500 college scholarship, or one of two smaller scholarships. Parents, teachers, and local residents nominate graduating seniors for the award at 1069 Kicks Country Dot Com or Lite Rock 959 Dot Com.

The Tennessee Credit Union has offices in middle and east Tennessee including 1281 South Walnut Avenue in Cookeville. For 65 years, The Tennessee Credit Union has been helping members achieve their financial goals with products and services designed to exceed their expectations.



Growing A Generation Winner: Melea Johnson Of White County High

Melea Johnson CroppedMelea Johnson is a teacher at White County High School. Ms. Johnson has been teaching at White County High for 14 years now, and enjoys getting to teach in the area that she grew up in. Ms. Johnson was inspired by her kindergarten teacher to become a teacher herself. Ms. Johnson was nominated by a former student for, “Ms. Johnson was also so sweet and fun in the classroom. You can tell that she loves what she does, and that makes learning a more enjoyable experience.”

Listen to Ms. Johnson’s interview with Sheila Scrugg’s to learn more!



The 2016 Titans Schedule Is Here!

The wait is over. After having announced their trade to the Rams, the Tennesse Titans have announced their 2016 schedule. Click here to see the rundown and history of the team’s matchups.




Growing A Generation Winner: Doyle Elementary’s Brad Norris

Brad Norris CroppedBrad Norris is a music teacher at Doyle Elementary, as well as three other schools. With 28 years of experience on piano under his belt, Mr. Norris enjoys sharing his love of music with his students. Mr. Norris was nominated by one of his students for, “Being a great teacher, and teaching us how to sing and some of the history too.”

Listen to Sheila Scrugg’s interview with Mr. Norris to learn more!



Tennessee Trades No. 1 Pick To The Rams

Aiming to bolster their roster, the Tennessee Titans have traded their No. 1 pick of the draft to the Los Angeles Rams. In return, the Rams are trading several of their picks to the Titans.

Overall, the list of trades is as follows:

Titans receive from Rams:
1st round pick (15 overall)
2nd round pick (43)
2nd round pick (45)
3rd round pick (76)
1st round pick in 2017
3rd round pick in 2017

Rams receive from Titans:
1st round pick (1 overall)
4th round pick (113)
6th round pick (177)

Listen to Titans GM Jon Robinson’s announcement below.

Click here for more information regarding the trade.


Growing A Generation Winner: Allison Wheedon Of Park View Elementary

Allison Wheedon Cropped 2Allison Wheedon is a teacher at Park View Elementary in Cookeville. Ms. Wheedon has been teaching there for 7 years now, and enjoys teaching all of the subjects to her students. Ms. Wheedon keeps things interesting by using a lot of team-based games and activities. Ms. Wheedon was nominated by one of her students for, “Ms. Wheedon makes learning fun, and like a game with her lessons.”

Listen Ms. Wheedon’s interview with Sheila Scruggs to learn more!

