Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Will Hearn

Today In The Upper Cumberland Podcast: Holiday Special

Reflect on the true meaning of the season as three local pastors share the story of Christmas, the preparation for Christmas services, and the message we might all reflect upon as we move toward the end of the year.

Today In The Upper Cumberland airs each weekend as a way to introduce you to interesting people and subjects of interest to our community. Catch the show each Saturday morning at 6 on Lite Rock 95.9, Rock 93-7, and 106-9 Kicks Country.

Sunday morning, the show airs at 7am on Rock 93-7. Catch the show Sunday night at 6pm on Lite Rock 95.9 and at 7pm on 106-9 Kicks Country. You can also catch Today in The Upper Cumberland Sundays on Cookeville’s News Talk 100.9/AM 1600 beginning at 12:30pm and 9:30pm.



Macy Shaver Of Stone Memorial Is A Dream Big Scholar

macy-shaver-croppedStone Memorial High School’s Senior Macy Shaver has been selected as one of the Lite Rock 95.9/106-9 Kicks Country Dream Big Scholars for the month of January.

The award, presented by the Tennessee Credit Union, honors outstanding work in the classroom, leadership in school groups, and organization, achievement in extracurricular activities as well as work in the community. One student from a high school across the Upper Cumberland wins the award each month.

Shaver has achieved some outstanding academic achievements, such as serving in SMHS Beta club for all three years and winning third place in state for English Division one. Shaver also has over 90 hours of community service by volunteering in events such as: Operation Christmas Child, Community Easter Egg Hunt, Special Olympics and more.

In addition to Shaver’s academic success, she is a member of a few clubs/teams including SMHS Beta club, math club, and the SMHS volleyball team, which she is a co-captain.

Once Shaver graduates high school, she plans to attend a four-year university and study biology. After that, she plans to attend a dental school in Tennessee and become a dentist.

Lite Rock 95.9 Morning Show Host Sheila Scruggs visited Stone Memorial High School a couple of months ago and presented Shaver with a plaque. Shaver will join other Dream Big Scholars from the 2016-2017 academic year at a spring banquet where she could win a $1,500 college scholarship, or one of two smaller scholarships.

106-9 Kicks Country and Lite Rock 95.9 joined forces with The Tennessee Credit Union in 2014 to encourage rising seniors who want to Dream Big. Parents, teachers, and local residents nominate graduating seniors for the award.

The Tennessee Credit Union has offices in middle and east Tennessee, including 1281 South Walnut Avenue in Cookeville. For 65 years, The Tennessee Credit Union has been helping members achieve their financial goals with products and services designed to exceed their expectations. To nominate a student to become a Dream Big Scholar, visit 1069KicksCountry.com or LiteRock959.com.

Listen to Macy’s interview with Lite Rock 95.9’s Sheila Scruggs!


December 2016’s Hometown High Fives

Hometown High Five With Sponsor (Logo) 04-18-16 copyCheck out our Hometown High Five recipients!

Tell us the good news about your spouse, child, friend or neighbor by posting on Facebook/Twitter with #hometownhighfive or email Sheila Scruggs about the special person and their honor. Then listen mornings, as Sheila delivers a Hometown High Five to that special someone.


Smithville NHC recently honored two nurses for 15 years of service with the facility. Monica Baker and Sabra Murphy serve as unit managers at NHC Smithville. They received their 15-year service pin along with other special gifts during the December monthly employee meeting.


Jackson County High School Coach Kevin King has been awarded the Jim Painter Lifetime Achievement Award by the Tennessee Baseball Coaches Association.


Cumberland County’s Spencer Bowman will compete at the State Championship Elks Lodge Hoop Shoot in Franklin, TN in February. Spencer has already won the local in the district free throw contest for 8-9 year old boys. He’s a student at North Cumberland Elementary and the son of Rusty and Stephanie Bowman.


Jon Roach, of Asap Farriers in Crossville, was recently inducted into the Brotherhood of Working Farriers Association Hall of Fame. Farriers are trained in the art of shoeing horses and assist owners with treating hoof and limb injuries. They also are a source of information education and assistance to horse owners.


Clay County High School’s Future Business Leaders of America recently traveled to Nashville to tour Nissan Stadium and meet with members of the Titans organization including the turf manager, head of ticket sales and director of social media marketing. Students got to go through the game day locker room and try on actual items from the team, including rain coats, ponchos and pads.


Members of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, Capt. Sally Tompkins chapter #2123 in Livingston, presented handmade caps and lap throws to the Cookeville Cancer Center recently. The caps and throws were made by UCD member Colette Dishman and were part of the UDC’s yearly projects.


American Legion Post 4 in Livingston recently honored E.C Reagan as its veteran of the week. Regan served as a Sergeant in the U.S. Army during the Korean War.


Members of the Overton County American Legion recently repaired a fading sign in front of Livingston Academy. Legion members included John McLeod, R.E. “Bobcat” Secott, Jim Schnitcke and Norm Osburn.


Former TTU alum Eric Schmitt-Matzen plays Santa for several kids in the Knoxville area. He gave a 5 year old boy his dying wish to talk to Santa.


#HometownHighFive to Buddy, the Lake Tansi community dog. He’s actually owned by Lynn and Margaret Christmas, but he doesn’t like to stay at home … he visits other families, the exxon station, the Happy Sac & the 19th Hole Restaurant and pro shop. Thanks for giving everyone a smile and a tail wag.


Jackson County Middle School Band members were chosen to participate in 2 different honor bands. The first group attended Austin Peay State University Middle School Honor Band. They are Sarah Tiffin, Jessica Vohs, Elizabeth Sherrill and Sarah McMullen. The second group attended the Prescott South Middle School Honor Band. They are Jessica Vohs, Bethany Borges, Katie Rodriguez and Steven West.


The Rotary Club of Fairfield Glade recently welcomed two new Rotarians, Kennetha Wattenbarger and Patrick Stull. Wattenbarger is the wellness director at Good Samaritan Society in Fairfield Glade and Stull is a chiropractor at Crossville Family Chiropractic.


Hugh Davenport, longtime Clay County Farm Bureau Agent, retired Nov. 30. He served as the agent for 40 years. Davenport looks forward to spending more time with his family.


Congratulations to Cookeville High School’s Ryan Bradshaw. He was signed by King University out of Bristol to play golf.


Andrew Dennis who is a second grader at Crossville’s Martin Elementary was recently honored by the Crossville City Council for his good manners.


Homestead Elementary School Students of Crossville helped provide Thanksgiving meals to 60 families. Thanks to the students for helping the needy in our community.


The Dekalb County Middle School Junior Beta Club won the group talent category at the State Convention with their anit-bullying skit “Be The Change”. They will participate in the national competitions in Orlando.


#HometownHighFive to Brett Knight for recently being hired as attorney for the Overton County Board of Education.



Smith County’s Jacob Allen Summers Is A Dream Big Scholar

jacob-allen-summers-croppedSmith County High School’s Senior Jacob Summers has been selected as one of the Lite Rock 95.9/106-9 Kicks Country Dream Big Scholars for the month of December.

The award, presented by the Tennessee Credit Union, honors outstanding work in the classroom, leadership in school groups, and organization, achievement in extracurricular activities as well as work in the community. One student from a high school across the Upper Cumberland wins the award each month.

Summers has achieved some outstanding academic achievements, such as interning at the Aspirnaut program at Vanderbilt to do research this past summer in the medical field. Summers has also won recognition from the DAR for a speech he has written.

In addition to Summers’ academic success, he is a member of several clubs such as: BETA club, French club, 4-H club, and HOSA (Health Occupation Students of America). Summers also tutors kids at an after-school program and volunteers as a counselor at 4-H camp.

Once Summers graduates high school, he plans to enter the medical field and become a cardiologist. He decided to become a cardiologist when his older died in his sleep due to a heart condition.

Lite Rock 95.9 Morning Show Host Sheila Scruggs visited Smith County High School a couple of weeks ago and presented Summers with a plaque. Summers will join other Dream Big Scholars from the 2016-2017 academic year at a spring banquet where she could win a $1,500 college scholarship, or one of two smaller scholarships.

106-9 Kicks Country and Lite Rock 95.9 joined forces with The Tennessee Credit Union in 2014 to encourage rising seniors who want to Dream Big. Parents, teachers, and local residents nominate graduating seniors for the award.

The Tennessee Credit Union has offices in middle and east Tennessee, including 1281 South Walnut Avenue in Cookeville. For 65 years, The Tennessee Credit Union has been helping members achieve their financial goals with products and services designed to exceed their expectations. To nominate a student to become a Dream Big Scholar, visit 1069KicksCountry.com or LiteRock959.com.



Lindsey Payne Of Gordonsville Is A Dream Big Scholar

lindsey-payne-croppedGordonsville High School’s Senior Lindsey Payne has been selected as one of the Lite Rock 95.9/106-9 Kicks Country Dream Big Scholars for the month of November.

The award, presented by the Tennessee Credit Union, honors outstanding work in the classroom, leadership in school groups, and organization, achievement in extracurricular activities as well as work in the community. One student from a high school across the Upper Cumberland wins the award each month.

Payne has achieved some outstanding academic achievements, such as a 3.9 GPA and ranking third in her class. Payne is currently doing dual enrollment and will have 30 credit hours once she starts college, entering as a sophomore.

In addition to Payne’s academic success, she is a member of several clubs and has leader roles within them. Payne works part-time at Carthage Full Gospel Church, and has played in the Gordonsville High School band for the past 10 years.

Once Payne graduates high school, she plans to attend University of Tennessee, and study biology. Her goal is to be a pediatrician and practice at a children’s hospital.

Lite Rock 95.9 Morning Show Host Sheila Scruggs visited Gordonsville High School a couple of weeks ago and presented Payne with a plaque. Payne will join other Dream Big Scholars from the 2016-2017 academic year at a spring banquet where she could win a $1,500 college scholarship, or one of two smaller scholarships.

106-9 Kicks Country and Lite Rock 95.9 joined forces with The Tennessee Credit Union in 2014 to encourage rising seniors who want to Dream Big. Parents, teachers, and local residents nominate graduating seniors for the award.

The Tennessee Credit Union has offices in middle and east Tennessee, including 1281 South Walnut Avenue in Cookeville. For 65 years, The Tennessee Credit Union has been helping members achieve their financial goals with products and services designed to exceed their expectations. To nominate a student to become a Dream Big Scholar, visit 1069KicksCountry.com or LiteRock959.com.



November 2016’s Hometown High Fives

Hometown High Five With Sponsor (Logo) 04-18-16 copyCheck out our Hometown High Five recipients!

Tell us the good news about your spouse, child, friend or neighbor by posting on Facebook/Twitter with #hometownhighfive or email Sheila Scruggs about the special person and their honor. Then listen mornings, as Sheila delivers a Hometown High Five to that special someone.


#HometownHighFive to Brett Knight for recently being hired as attorney for the Overton County Board of Education.

Cookeville Police officers were recognized by the FBI for their work in capturing two bank robbers early this year: Lt. Ken Clement, Sgt. Chris Rinehart, Sgt. Chuck Teeters and officers Matthew Franey, Vince Levy and Ethan Ross.


#HometownHighFive to Celina Boy Scouts Jordan Kinney & Cody Howard from Troop 191. They cleaned the Veteran’s Memorial stone on the square in Celina.


#HometownHighFive to Lenna Kay Sewell for being the top lap runner for 3rd grade girls at Capshaw Elementary in the Cougar Run!


#HometownHighFive to the Cumberland Co. Elementary school kids. They collected 17 thousand pounds of food for their annual Harvest Against Hunger campaign. South Cumberland Elementary, Pleasant Hill Elementary, Stone Elementary and Martin Elementary were all involved. Great job!!


Congratulations to Kenneth Carey, Jr. of Crossville was recently named the 2016 Outstanding Conservation Farmer by the Cumberland County Soil Conservation District for his cost share programs & participating in many conservation methods on his farm.


#HometownHighFive to Rita Reagan-Underhill & the staff at the Overton Co. Chamber of Commerce. Governor Bill Haslam presented them the Tennessee Three-Star Award to Overton Co. for their strong community commitment to prosper & market their county.


#HometownHighFive to J.H. Graham III & Scot Shanks who are brand new members of the Crossville City Council.


Amanda Phillips was crowned Miss Fabulous to celebrate young ladies with disabilities for the Helping Hands organization.


Tech’s kicker Nick Madonia broke a school record with a 57-yard field goal this past weekend in the game against TSU. Tech won 44 to 16.


Girl Scout Troop 64 recently planted flowers to help make City Cemetery beautiful. Way to go girls!


The Jackson County Blue Devils football team made it to the first round of the TSSAA playoffs! You put up a terrific fight and your community is proud of you.


#HometownHighFive To McMinnville’s Lester Strode. He is a bullpen coach for the Cubs and was part of the winning team in the World Series!


The FBI has honored two local Cumberland County Sheriff’s investigators, David Hamby & Bo Kollros, for assisting in the capture of a suspect that kidnapped a Crossville woman.


Congrats to Ryan Goke and Sierra Noe for taking first in Open Parliamentary Debate at the MTSU Pejaver Tournament!


#HometownHighFive to Cindy Scheumann, the executive director of the IMPACT Leadership Cookeville program, for taking home the statewide award from the Tennessee Association of Community Leadership.


Brothers Ben & Levi Walker (ages 11 & 7) of Celina earned their yellow belts in karate.


Congratulations to Livingston Academy homecoming queen Callie Carter! She was crowned by her brother Cade Carter on their football field.


Congratulations to TTU Soccer’s Dani Shartouny & Cross Country’s Gilbert Boit on being named the Athlete’s of the Week.


Hear The Stories Of The Upper Cumberland’s Veterans

those-who-served-logo-11-14-16The Upper Cumberland is home to many proud veterans who served their country. 106-9 Kicks Country traveled across the Upper Cumberland to celebrate these men and women for Veteran’s Day 2016.

Listen below to hear the amazing stories from the men and women who gave so much for our country.

106-9 Kicks Country says thank you to our veterans!


Upperman’s Lindsey Coppock Is A Dream Big Scholar

lindsey-coppock-croppedUpperman High School’s Senior Lindsey Coppock has been selected as one of the Lite Rock 95.9/106-9 Kicks Country Dream Big Scholars for the month of October.

The award, presented by the Tennessee Credit Union, honors outstanding work in the classroom, leadership in school groups, and organization, achievement in extracurricular activities as well as work in the community. One student from a high school across the Upper Cumberland wins the award each month.

Coppock has a passion for marching band, specifically percussion. Some of her achievements include, attending girl’s state at Lipscomb University and placing in honor’s band at Tennessee Tech Festival of Winds and Percussion. Coppock has also been the percussion captain for three years.

In addition to Coppock’s band success, she is a member of a few organizations. Coppock is a member of Beta Club, Mu Alpha Theta (math honor society), and The Cookeville Community Band.

After high school, Coppock plans to use the Tennessee Promise to attend Vol State Community College, and do her general education classes. Coppock plans to transfer the MTSU (Middle Tennessee State University) after Vol State. Coppock plans to major in music or astronomy.

Lite Rock 95.9 Morning Show Host Sheila Scruggs visited Upperman High School a couple of weeks ago and presented Coppock with a plaque. Coppock will join other Dream Big Scholars from the 2016-2017 academic year at a spring banquet where she could win a $1,500 college scholarship, or one of two smaller scholarships.

106-9 Kicks Country and Lite Rock 95.9 joined forces with The Tennessee Credit Union in 2014 to encourage rising seniors who want to Dream Big. Parents, teachers, and local residents nominate graduating seniors for the award.

The Tennessee Credit Union has offices in middle and east Tennessee, including 1281 South Walnut Avenue in Cookeville. For 65 years, The Tennessee Credit Union has been helping members achieve their financial goals with products and services designed to exceed their expectations. To nominate a student to become a Dream Big Scholar, visit 1069KicksCountry.com or LiteRock959.com.

Listen to Lindsey’s interview with Lite Rock 95.9’s Sheila Scruggs!



Hometown High Five’s For October

Hometown High Five With Sponsor (Logo) 04-18-16 copyCheck out our Hometown High Five recipients!

Tell us the good news about your spouse, child, friend or neighbor by posting on Facebook/Twitter with #hometownhighfive or email Sheila Scruggs about the special person and their honor. Then listen mornings, as Sheila delivers a Hometown High Five to that special someone.


#HometownHighFive to Ms. Rose Hart Dale of Livingston for all of her years teaching in the Upper Cumberland & she just recently celebrated her 106th birthday. She is now retired as a teacher but is still loved by her local, former students.


Tennessee Tech’s Aleksa Jugovic was named to the preseason All-OVC men’s basketball team!


#HometownHighFive to Team Cumberland River, Candie Power & Marlina Pippin, who won the Celina Chili Cook Off and donated their winnings to the Clay County Senior Citizen’s Center.


Congratulations to Tom Hudson, President of Matteson-Hudson, for being elected as chair of Tennessee Tech’s Foundation Board of Directors.


Crossville’s Noelani DeRossett won Ms. Tennessee Senior America! She also went on to compete in the Ms. Senior America Pageant in NJ.


Congrats to the women’s assistant basketball coach at Tennessee Tech, Allison Clark,  for becoming a part of TTU’s 2016 Hall of Fame for her college years playing basketball at TTU.


Overton Co. Middle School Cross Country team had 5 students qualify for Tennessee Middle School State Championships: Brenden Shope, Daniel Hill, Preston Looper, Mahalah Boone & Abby Hix. They will compete in Knoxville this Saturday.


For their efforts in helping save the lives of victims in an August crash, members of the DeKalb County Ambulance Service have earned the department the Upper Cumberland EMS Directors Association Region IV “Call of the Year” Award.The honorees, Jamie Parsley-AEMT, Tyler Grandstaff-CCEMT-Paramedic, Jonathan Rudd-
EMT-Paramedic, Houston Austin-EMT-Paramedic, Donna Melton-AEMT, Greta Stone-EMT-Paramedic, and
Tim Briggs-EMT-Paramedic.


Congratulations to Jim Hodges. He has been appointed chairman of the American Public Gas Association Board of Directors.


Congratulations to Darlene Greene of Monterey. She was named as one of their Leading Ladies because of her volunteer work in the community. She was also the Grand Marshal of the Standing Stone Day parade.


Betty Barnett spent 48 years working for Cumberland County. She served under Judge Lon Tabor and also the county school system finance department.


Katie Hetzel’s art won first place in the Cougar Run T-shirt drawing with Capshaw Elementary of Cookeville.


#HometownHighFive to Rick Larnerd and his team who recently took first place in the Chili Cook-off in Gainesboro.


Rita Reali of Crossville has been named the artist of the month at the Cumberland Artisans of Tennessee Studio Gallery for her written work.


Carlene LaBarge from Crab Orchard Elementary earned a gold medal in their Olympic jump rope challenge. Congratulations Carlene!


Naiad Kuhlman of Fairfield Glade in Crossville won 4 gold medals at the state Senior Olympics at age 87!


Congrats to the 2016 Homecoming Queen for Stone Memorial High School, Hailey Coudreit of Crossville.


#HometownHighFive on your many years of service to our community. Enjoy your retirement Lt. David Allred of the Tennessee Highway Patrol of Putnam County.


Congratulations to Stacey Baxter of Cookeville on her new job. She is the new Administration Coordinator for the Mustard Seed Ranch.

