Georgia joined a growing number of states where it will be illegal to have an abortion once a heartbeat is detected in the womb. The law will likely be challenged in court. Mark Strassmann reports. Source
Author Archives: Stonecom Interactive
Abortions after six weeks will now be illegal in Georgia
Abortion rights advocates say the law will result in a total ban on abortions in the state. Source
Abortions after 6 weeks will be illegal under Georgia law
Abortion rights advocates say the law will result in a total ban on abortions in the state Source
Purdue CEO cast blame on opioid victims in old emails
“Abusers aren’t victims; they are the victimizers,” member of family that owns the maker of OxyContin wrote in 2001 Source
Most pregnancy-related deaths are preventable, CDC says
More women in the U.S. are dying from pregnancy-related causes, and many deaths could be prevented, according to new data Source
Attention, pet owners: Walmart will see your furry friend now
Retailer launching online pet pharmacy and in-store veterinary clinics as it looks to tap into a lucrative market Source
Ben Tracy
White House Correspondent Source
Separating sunscreen fact from fiction
A new report is raising concerns about the ingredients in sunscreen, but it’s still an essential part of protecting yourself against skin cancer Source
Reversing prediabetes is “very doable,” doctors say
Millions of Americans have prediabetes, yet the majority don’t know it Source
Hot sauces, ranked from tepid to scorching
On a quest for heat? See which hot sauces pack the biggest punch, according to the Scoville scale Source