Fifty years ago today, the groundbreaking British sketch series “Monty Python’s Flying Circus” premiered on the U.K.’s BBC One and forever changed the world of comedy. The troupe’s absurd humor was a subversive poke in the eye to buttoned-up British society. Sketches like the “Ministry of Silly Walks,” “The Spanish Inquisition,” and “The Dead Parrot” became comedy classics. Dana Jacobson reports. Source
Author Archives: Stonecom Interactive
4 homeless men killed in New York City
Four homeless men were attacked and killed in New York City on Saturday. A fifth victim was hospitalized. CBS New York’s Christina Fan reports. Source
Worker pay is stagnant — economists blame robots
Automation is eroding employees’ bargaining power, hurting their wages despite rising productivity Source
Teenage boy shot as protests rage in Hong Kong
Mass transit service in the city was suspended after protesters set fires at train station entrances and smashed ticketing facilities. Source
The Dish: Chef Jorge Vallejo on bringing Mayan food to the culinary scene
Jorge Vallejo is the chef and owner of Quintonil, a Mexico City dining destination that has been named one of the world’s 50 best restaurants. For his new venture, he’s gone off the beaten path to create a venue honoring Mayan culture – an elegant combination of things modern and ancient. Michelle Miller reports. Source
The high-tech gadgets that could help you improve your sleep
Over the past few years, people have been waking up to the fact that sleep is essential to our well-being and productivity. The demand for a good night’s sleep has created a brand new $70 billion industry, full of products aimed at helping you get more rest — and that number is expected to top $100 billion in the next few years. Dana Jacobson reports. Source
Intel community defends whistleblower’s credibility
The Intelligence Community Inspector General is defending the whistleblower’s credibility, noting that he has “both first-hand and other information” regarding President Trump’s call with the Ukrainian president. Former special assistant to President Bush at the National Security Council Michael Allen joins CBSN to discuss what to expect in the investigation. Source
Amber Guyger found guilty of murder
Former Dallas police officer Amber Guyger was convicted of murder in the shooting death of her neighbor, Botham Jean, after she entered his apartment apparently thinking it was her own. CBS News correspondent Omar Villafranca joins CBSN with the latest. Source
Runner killed by lightning during race in Kansas
Thomas Stanley, 33, was less than a quarter mile from finishing the FlatRock trail race at the Elk City State Park when he was fatally struck by lightning Saturday in southwest Kansas. KWCH-TV’s Desmond Nugent reports. Source
Saturday Sessions: David Wax Museum performs “Equal in the Darkness”
Fronted by married duo David Wax and Suz Slezak, the Charlottesville, Virginia-based musicians of David Wax Museum blend folk, roots and Americana with the regional music of Mexico. In 2010, they were dubbed “the break out act” at the Newport Folk Festival, and in August, they released “Line of Light,” their latest studio album. David Wax Museum joins “CBS This Morning: Saturday” to make its national television debut. Source