Saturday, September 21, 2024
Happening Now

Author Archives: Stonecom Interactive

Repopulating a Japanese town

As the Japanese populace shrinks and ages, and young people leave the suburbs and rural areas for cities, more and more communities are becoming ghost towns, with abandoned houses and declining populations. The municipality of Okutama, on the outskirts of Tokyo, has come up with a novel solution: Give away houses to young families for free. Ben Tracy talks with the man in charge of giving away homes, who isn’t averse to playing Cupid to get people to move into his shrinking town. Source


A friend in need

Life has its ups and downs, but rarely do you see a swing as dramatically as what 66-year-old Coy Fetherson just went through. Recently homeless in Austin Texas, a photo in a local newspaper alerted old friends he hadn’t seen in years. Steve Hartman reports. Source


Nature: Spider webs

For Halloween, “Sunday Morning” takes us to Big Cypress National Preserve in Florida, where spiders are weaving their webs. Videographer: Charles Schultz. Source


The Islamic State, part one

Scott Pelley reports from the front lines in the fight against ISIS in northern Iraq. He speaks with Kurdish Peshmerga fighters and victims of ISIS atrocities. Source


Pages from Prince’s life

Begun just months before his death in 2016, a memoir by the legendary singer-songwriter Prince is now being published as “The Beautiful Ones.” Jamie Yuccas reports on how the manuscript by Prince Rogers Nelson came to light, and talks with editor Dan Piepenbring, who helped Prince tell his story, including how the people in Prince’s life made him the artist he was. Yuccas also talks with representatives of Prince’s estate about the vault of previously-unreleased music that is now being made public. Source
