Friday, September 20, 2024
Happening Now

Author Archives: Stonecom Interactive

White House refuses to participate in House impeachment hearings

In a letter to House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, President Trump’s legal counsel said the impeachment inquiry “has violated basic principles of due process and fundamental fairness.” But the White House rejected the committee’s invitation on Friday to participate in the hearings. CBS News legal analyst Kim Wehle talks to CBSN about what this means for the future of the impeachment process. Source


Justice Department to release report on Russian interference

Since last year, the Justice Department has been investigating the investigators at the FBI who first looked into Russia intereference in the 2016 election. Devlin Barrett, a national security reporter at the Washington Post, spoke to CBSN’s Reena Ninan about why the report isn’t expected to show what President Trump and his allies want it to. Source


Cities say no to natural gas

Gas stoves and furnaces are on the way out. Cities across the U.S. are banning gas appliances in new buildings as they try to cut down on climate-warming emissions. Source
