Former CEO charged with seven felonies for allegedly concealing details related to deadly listeria outbreak. Source
Author Archives: Stonecom Interactive
Michael Cohen will be released to home confinement at end of May
President Trump’s former personal attorney will return home about a month after he was initially scheduled to be released. Source
Senior intel official says evidence for “both” virus origin scenarios exists
The intelligence community is examining whether the virus originated from human contact with infected animals or came about as the result of a laboratory accident in Wuhan, China. Source
FDA authorizes remdesivir for emergency use as coronavirus treatment
The drug, produced by Gilead Sciences, may shorten the time it takes seriously ill patients to recover from COVID-19. Source
White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany gives her first briefing
White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany gave the first White House briefing in over a year, and her first since taking over as press secretary. Watch the briefing. Source
This week on “Face the Nation,” May 3, 2020
Gilead CEO Daniel O’Day and Southwest CEO Gary Kelly appear on Sunday’s “Face the Nation” Source
Army defends plan to bring West Point cadets back for graduation
“We can’t telecommute to combat,” Gen. James McConville, the chief of staff of the Army, told reporters at the Pentagon. Source
You have to wear a face mask on these airlines
Virtually every major U.S. airline insisting all customers wear their own face masks while flying, starting this month. Source
States prepare for influx of mail-in ballots
States across the U.S. are preparing for a surge in vote-by-mail ballots, and election officials are now offering guidance around the country on voting during a pandemic. Zach Montellaro, a campaign pro reporter and the author of the Morning Score for Politico, joins CBSN with details. Source
Human trials underway for a possible COVID-19 vaccine
Human trials for a coronavirus vaccine are underway in Britain after group of scientists at Oxford University developed a formula they believe could stop the deadly virus. CBS News foreign correspondent Imtiaz Tyab reports from London. Source