Friday, September 20, 2024
Happening Now

Author Archives: Stonecom Interactive

Top tech companies sued over child cobalt mining deaths in Congo

A human rights group has filed a lawsuit on behalf of 14 families from the Democratic Republic of Congo, accusing Apple, Google, Dell, Microsoft and Tesla of benefiting from child labor to mine cobalt. CBS News foreign correspondent Debora Patta exposed the brutal conditions in the mines last year. She joins CBSN to explain the latest developments. Source


Pope Francis abolishes use of “pontifical secret” in clergy sex abuse cases

Pope Francis is taking major new steps to open up the Catholic Church’s handling of alleged sexual abuse by priests. The Vatican has announced that clergy abuse cases will no longer be handled as a so-called “pontifical secret.” Officials say that will allow bishops to cooperate more openly with police and alleged victims. Seth Doane reports. Source


Meet Doug Mills, the NYT photographer Trump calls “a genious”

President Trump has made insulting the media a centerpiece of his presidency. But there is at least one member of the press corps who has earned universal praise for his work: Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer Doug Mills. He captured iconic images of Mr. Trump that tell the story of his White House tenure. Major Garrett reports. Source


Ancient Christian monastery in Iraq survives centuries of upheaval

For our series World of Worship, we sent correspondents around the globe to show us how different people celebrate their faith and honor religious traditions. Iraq has suffered terrible violence in recent years, often inflamed by religious differences. But in a country where worship can come at a heavy cost, an ancient Christian monastery hidden in the mountains provides an unlikely oasis. Charlie D’Agata reports. Source


From 5G to flying cars, a look ahead at tech in the 2020s

The last 10 years have changed the way we get music, movies and news. The decade saw the arrival of the Amazon Echo and the rise of Spotify and Netflix. Meanwhile, Uber, Lyft and Airbnb transformed how we travel. So what could the next decade bring? CBS News contributor and Wired editor-in-chief Nicholas Thompson joins “CBS This Morning” with a peek into the future of tech innovations. Source
