Friday, September 20, 2024
Happening Now

Author Archives: Stonecom Interactive

Plane crashes in Kazakhstan, killing at least 12

At least 12 people were killed in a plane crash in the central Asian country of Kazakhstan. The aircraft, which had 93 passengers and five crew members onboard, slammed into a two-story building shortly after takeoff. The flight was traveling from Almaty, Kazakhstan’s largest city, to the country’s capital. Roxana Saberi reports. Source


NYT: How data companies quietly collect users’ locations for profit

An investigation from The New York Times revealed how dozens of companies log location data from the phones of more than 12 million Americans. Those companies go largely unregulated, while buying and reselling the data for their own profit. Charlie Warzel, a writer-at-large for The New York Times opinion page, joined CBSN to discuss just how much these companies can learn about you with that information. Source


Almost a quarter-million people flee Russian-backed Syrian Army offensive

More than 235,000 people have fled Syria’s Idlib region over the last two weeks as attacks by Russian-backed Syrian regime intensify on the country’s final rebel stronghold. The director of policy and advocacy at the International Rescue Committee, Kelly Razzouk, joins CBSN’s Tom Hanson to talk about the unfolding humanitarian disaster. Source


Members of Navy SEAL team called Eddie Gallagher “evil”

Chilling new details have emerged about the conduct of the Navy SEAL who was accused of war crimes but supported by President Trump. Confidential footage obtained by The New York Times shows members of SEAL team 7 being interviewed about the conduct of special operations chief Edward Gallagher. CBS News national security correspondent David Martin joined CBSN with more. Source


Illinois sterilizing plant caused cancer, lawsuit claims

A lawsuit, filed on Thursday, is drawing new attention to a cancer-causing chemical called ethylene oxide. It’s used to sterilize about half of all U.S. medical equipment. Five former educators who worked at the same Illinois high school blame their illnesses on a sterilizing plant that used the chemical. Anna Werner reports. Source
