Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Happening Now

Author Archives: Stonecom Interactive

Animals doing people things

A gorilla looking at iPhone photos, an elk drinking red wine… the line between human activity and animal behavior is furrier than one might think Source


Netflix show shines a light on social anxiety and other disabilities

A new Netflix original series, “The Healing Powers of Dude,” follows an 11-year-old boy with social anxiety who relies on an emotional support dog to get him through middle school. One young actor from the show, Mauricio Lara, sat down with CBSN to discuss the importance of the series. “It’s a topic that’s been talked about among adults, but it’s not really talked about when it comes to kids,” the 13-year-old actor said. Source


1/17: CBSN AM

Senators prepare for historic impeachment trial; lawmakers look back on previous impeachments Source
