Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Happening Now

Author Archives: Stonecom Interactive

SpaceX destroys boosters in dramatic abort test

A new success for Space X! It happened after an unmanned rocket lifted-off from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida today. The mission: to test whether a new crew capsule could survive an explosion. Meg Oliver reports. Source


GOP senators remain divided over calling witnesses as Trump’s impeachment hearing looms

With the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump set to begin in the coming days, Republicans remain divided on the subject of calling for witnesses. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is expected to introduce a resolution outlining the details of the trial process on Tuesday. USA Today’s D.C. bureau chief Susan Page joins CBSN’s Omar Villafranco with a look at the latest developments. Source


Prince Harry and wife Meghan to begin new life in British Columbia

Prince Harry and wife Meghan’s bombshell declaration of independence now has the official blessing of Queen Elizabeth. Harry is expected to join his wife and son, Archie, in British Columbia soon. But the family’s royal separation comes at a cost — and new criticism from Meghan’s estranged father. Imtiaz Tyab reports. Source


Thousands descend on gun rights rally in Virginia

People are on edge in Richmond, Virginia, on Sunday night as thousands of Second Amendment advocates — plus militia members and neo-Nazis — descend on the state capitol for a gun rights rally. Police are locking down the site of Monday’s demonstration and firearms have been banned as officials say there’s credible intelligence of possible violence. Jeff Pegues reports. Source


House prosecutors meet to prepare for upcoming impeachment trial

President Trump’s impeachment trial begins this week. The House managers who will prosecute the case against the president met on Capitol Hill on Sunday to work on their strategy. Meanwhile, senators are getting ready for what could be a grueling few weeks. Ben Tracy reports. Source
