Thursday, September 19, 2024
Happening Now

Author Archives: Stonecom Interactive

Iowa Democratic Party blames app for results delay

The Iowa Democratic Party has blamed the delay in releasing the results of the Iowa caucuses on a “coding issue” with a new reporting system. Despite the fact that the issue is related to a security concern, the debacle has triggered concerns about the integration of technology in future elections. CNET editor-in-chief Connie Guglielmo has more. Source


Public health experts warn U.S. coronavirus response could backfire

Some public health experts say the U.S. response to the deadly outbreak of coronavirus in Wuhan, China, could backfire. The Trump administration has imposed a quarantine on Americans returning to the U.S. from China and instituted a travel ban. Politico health care reporter Alice Miranda Ollstein joined CBSN to explain the concerns. Source
