Friday, September 20, 2024
Happening Now

Author Archives: Stonecom Interactive

Barr faces “crisis of confidence” inside Department of Justice

Attorney General William Barr is facing backlash from hundreds of former DOJ officials for reversing a sentencing recommendation for President Trump’s longtime friend and ally Roger Stone. Barr’s unusual trend of tapping U.S. attorneys to review matters of interest to Trump has also reportedly rankled Justice Department employees. Paula Reid reports on the discord within the executive branch as President Trump campaigns for the Nevada caucus. Source


Buttigieg brushes off homophobic comments from Rush Limbaugh

On Sunday, Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg brushed off homophobic comments made last week by conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh. The former South Bend, Indiana mayor finished the nation’s first two voting contests with more delegates than his competitors. As the 2020 race moves forward into more diverse states, Buttigieg is facing questions over whether his campaign will maintain its momentum. 2020 campaign reporter Jack Turman joins CBSN with the latest. Source


Bloomberg faces opposition from fellow Dems ahead of Nevada caucus

Democrats in Nevada are already voting in Saturday’s caucus, the next event in the presidential race. The newest poll shows Bernie Sanders leading Joe Biden by seven points, with four other contenders bunched up behind them. Most are focusing on a rival who won’t be on the ballot, former New York mayor Mike Bloomberg. Major Garrett breaks down some of the opposition the billionaire former Republican is facing over his unorthodox approach. Source


Chartered flights bring 14 coronavirus patients back to U.S.

Two U.S.-chartered jets carrying people who have been held in quarantine for nearly two weeks aboard a cruise ship landed in the country early Monday morning. The ship had been held off the coast of Japan over several coronavirus cases, 14 of which are U.S. citizens who are among the 340 returning. Debora Patta reports from Japan where some Americans are still quarantined aboard the ship. Source
