Friday, September 20, 2024
Happening Now

Author Archives: Stonecom Interactive

Sub-zero temperatures target most of U.S.

Rivers have been rising in nine U.S. states after a week of relentless rain targeting the southern part of the country. In the North, 30 million are preparing for a bitter blast of sub-zero temperatures on Friday and Saturday. Weather forecaster Lonnie Quinn breaks down what Americans can expect along with freezing weather. Source


Democrats increase attacks ahead of Wednesday’s debate in Nevada

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has qualified for Wednesday’s Democratic presidential debate in Las Vegas. CBSN political reporter Caitlin Huey-Burns and CBSN political contributor and Democratic strategist Lynda Tran discuss why the news is creating tension on the campaign trail. Source


2/18: CBS Evening News

Trump grants clemency for several high-profile felons; A brave preschooler and her classmates show the power of friendship. Source
