Friday, September 20, 2024
Happening Now

Author Archives: Stonecom Interactive

Are you being stalked?

Learn more about the signs of stalking and how to help yourself or someone you know who may be in danger from the National Center for the Victims of Crime Source


Did Mike Bloomberg survive his first debate?

The reviews of former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s performance at the Democratic presidential debate Wednesday night were not positive, but he can recover by spending more money, Major Garrett says. As for the other candidates, Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren’s performance gave her “a fighting chance” in the race, Garrett said. Source


Mike Bloomberg faces attacks at first debate

Bloomberg gave a lackluster performance at Wednesday night’s debate. His fellow candidates dug into the former mayor’s legacy, including his controversial stop and frisk policy. But, as Nikole Killion reports, Bloomberg’s campaign has said he was just warming up. Source


How do you teach a blind piano prodigy?

Matthew Whitaker was 5 years old when he met classically trained concert pianist Dalia Sakas. It didn’t take long for her to realize his talents were “insane.” See the full story, Sunday. Source
