Friday, September 20, 2024
Happening Now

Author Archives: Stonecom Interactive

Pompeo to sign historic U.S.-Taliban peace deal

State Secretary Mike Pompeo is poised to oversee the signing of a historic peace agreement that could end the country’s longest war. Pompeo will stand alongside Taliban leaders as the agreement is signed, aiming to end the 18-year conflict and allowing U.S. troops to return home. Imtiaz Tyab breaks down the most important points included, and missing, in the treaty. Source


Trump under fire from Democrats over coronavirus response

The Trump administration has announced that it is working with states to step up coronavirus testing as Congressional Democrats say the president is downplaying the threat of a widespread outbreak. Democratic primary candidates have also attacked Trump over what they call his lack of preparedness. Steve Dorsey reports from the White House where the president has tried to encourage a positive outlook on battling a likely outbreak. Source


Coronavirus outbreak panic spreads globally

The World Health Organization has now classified the risk of coronavirus spreading globally as “very high.” Over a dozen cases have now been confirmed in the U.S. as countries like New Zealand, Nigeria, and Belarus have become the latest countries to report new cases. South Korea has seen the largest single-day surge with over 800 new cases, making their 3,100 infections the largest outbreak outside of China. Michael George and Charlie D’Agata report on how the U.S. and the rest of the world are handling the growing threat. Source


What Seattle’s Navigation Team does

Many people who are homeless in Seattle live along the highway or in parks. Maria Elena Salinas spoke with the city’s Navigation Team, which is often called in to clean up areas where people are living and help connect them to city services. Source


Tackling Seattle’s homeless crisis

Seattle has struggled to create a safe parking program for people who live in their vehicles, and there often is not enough space for people in the shelter system. Graham Pruss, a lecturer at the University of Washington, told Maria Elena Salinas that the homelessness crisis can’t be solved by just giving everyone a home. A solution also requires “connecting people with health care, with employment, with job opportunities, with education and social support,” he said. Source


House lawmakers to get briefing on coronavirus

New measures are in place in California this morning after the first apparent U.S. case with unknown origin. The female patient is battling the virus despite no recent foreign travel or known contact with another infected person. CBS News correspondent Carter Evans joined CBSN AM from UC Davis Medical Center, where she’s being treated. Source


Royals Report: Prince Harry returns to the U.K.

Prince Harry and Meghan will be dropping the word “royal” from all future branding. Harry, the Duke of Sussex, has returned to Britain to begin his final series of official engagements as a senior royal. BBC royal correspondent Jonny Dymond joined CBSN with more. Source
