Saturday, September 21, 2024
Happening Now

Author Archives: Stonecom Interactive

Dr. Jon LaPook on potential dangers of Trump’s unproven treatment suggestions

There are questions Friday about comments made by President Trump about potential treatments to fight the coronavirus. During Thursday’s White House briefing, Mr. Trump threw out several potentially dangerous ideas, including using UV light and disinfectant inside the human body. Dr. Jon LaPook joins “CBS This Morning” to respond to these claims. Source


New study says U.S. had coronavirus outbreaks before previously thought

A new pandemic model out of Northeastern University shows that coronavirus outbreaks likely occurred in the U.S. much earlier than previously thought. The model estimates that there were already about 28,000 coronavirus infections in several major cities by March 1, rather than just the 23 previously reported cases. Dr. Jon LaPook speaks to the professor leading the research team. Source


Astronaut Jessica Meir on returning to a pandemic-consumed Earth

Astronaut Jessica Meir made history when she and Christina Koch performed the first all-female space walk in October. After spending seven months in space, Meir came back to a world battling the coronavirus pandemic. She speaks to Mark Strassmann about her return to Earth and how the isolation because of the virus is different from the isolation of being in space. Source


Latino communities hit hard by coronavirus pandemic

Latinos account for over 27% of deaths in coronavirus hot spots, where they are about 18% of the population. The economic impact of the pandemic is also hitting Latino neighborhoods hard. Nearly half of Latino households in the U.S. have seen job losses or pay cuts during the pandemic, according to Pew Research Center. Adriana Diaz speaks to people living in Latino communities around the U.S. about their struggle with keeping themselves and their families safe. Source


Trump suggests injecting disinfectant to fight coronavirus

President Trump suggested Americans could possibly inject disinfectant into their bodies to help fight the coronavirus, while also floating the idea of getting bright light, such as UV rays, into the body after hearing it is bad for the virus. The unsubstantiated and potentially dangerous suggestions came during a Thursday task force briefing where Mr. Trump called on DHS official Bill Bryan to outline early results from a study that showed the effect of heat on the virus. Weijia Jiang breaks down what she learned at the briefing. Source


U.K. begins human trials for coronavirus vaccine

The U.K. has begun the first human trials of a coronavirus vaccine as several countries race to find a way to fight the illness, which has killed over 191,000 people worldwide. Imtiaz Tyab takes a look at the highly anticipated study. Source


Laid-off Boeing workers share their heartbreaking stories

CBS News followed four Kansas aerospace workers who were laid off when Boeing suspended production of the 737 Max jet, with their job hunt only growing more difficult after the coronavirus pandemic hit. One man who spoke to Kris Van Cleave said his situation was so dire that he may have to choose between insulin to treat his diabetes and food for his children. Source


All eyes on Georgia as pandemic restrictions begin to be lifted

Georgia Republican Representative Doug Collins questions his GOP Governor Brian Kemp’s move to open some businesses Friday, as the country tensely watches what happens to the state on the first day of lifting lockdown restrictions. In New York, where hospitalizations are down, Governor Cuomo condemned Senator Mitch McConnell’s suggestion that states could declare bankruptcy rather than get a federal bailout. Mark Strassmann looks at several states around the country to see how they are handling the pandemic. Source
