Sunday, September 22, 2024
Happening Now

Author Archives: Stonecom Interactive

Which states have restricted abortion access amid the coronavirus pandemic?

At least eight states have attempted to temporarily ban abortion, including the procedure in directives halting “non-essential” procedures to preserve medical resources. The orders have caused a flurry of lawsuits, and created confusion as to whether abortion is available for patients. CBS News reporter Kate Smith spoke to the Center for Reproductive Rights’ Nancy Northup for a status update from every state, plus answer questions from patients on Twitter. Source


Tom Hanks sends typewriter to boy bullied over his name

An Australian boy named Corona, who was bullied over his name, got a touching surprise from actor Tom Hanks. Corona had written a letter to Hanks after he and his wife were diagnosed with coronavirus in the country. Hanks replied with a letter of his own and sent the 8-year-old a typewriter as well. Source
