Sunday, September 22, 2024
Happening Now

Author Archives: Stonecom Interactive

Panic Mechanic app could help Americans with panic attacks

Nearly 36 million Americans encounter panic attacks. For many, the coronavirus pandemic is a major trigger. A new app created by professors at the University of Vermont could help manage symptoms. Developers Ellen and Ryan McGinnis join CBSN to explain how it works. Source


Trump administration wanted to “flood” states with hydroxychloroquine, Vanity Fair reports

The anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine gained widespread attention after President Trump started touting it as a possible “game changer” in the fight against COVID-19. Internal documents obtained by Vanity Fair show how Trump administration officials sought the nationwide distribution of tens of millions of doses, even as evidence mounted of both serious side effects and low efficacy against the novel coronavirus. Investigative journalist Katherine Eban joins CBSN to discuss her findings. Source
