Sunday, September 22, 2024
Happening Now

Author Archives: Stonecom Interactive

Political campaigns adapt to life under lockdown

Political campaigns across the country have been getting creative in order to connect with voters during the COVID-19 pandemic. With Election Day months away, energy that once went into field organizing is now being used to figure out how to engage with people online. CBS News campaign reporter LaCrai Mitchell and political unit associate producer Sarah Ewall-Wice join CBSN with more on how political organizers are adapting to life under lockdown. Source


Trump urges governors to reopen states

President Trump said that he has provided states with everything they need for the coronavirus, and is now urging governors to reopen their states and schools. Ben Tracy reports. Source


Lawsuits demand tuition refunds as college classes move online

“Harvard University says that campus life isn’t likely to return to normal by the fall, raising the possibility of more online classes. This comes as a growing number of students say they’re not getting the college experience they paid for from closed campuses. Now they’re demanding refunds — and some are even suing their schools. Nikole Killion reports. ” Source
