Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Happening Now

August 2016’s Hometown High Fives

Hometown High Five With Sponsor (Logo) 04-18-16 copyCheck out our Hometown High Five recipients!

Tell us the good news about your spouse, child, friend or neighbor by posting on Facebook/Twitter with #hometownhighfive or email Sheila Scruggs about the special person and their honor. Then listen mornings, as Sheila delivers a Hometown High Five to that special someone.


Congratulations & Hometown High Five to the Player of the week from Stone Memorial High School, Jared Debord who plays for the Panthers.


#HometownHighFive to Isabella Dawson from Cookeville High’s cross country team, who placed 15th in the Smyrna classic recently. She’s trying to qualify for the Mid State Cross Country Association team and this is the first step!


Congrats to Braxton Smith of Gainesboro. He recently attended the Space Academy at the U. S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama.


#HometownHighFive to Karen McMeekin of Crossville for her hard work at becoming a certified Humane Animal Investigator!


#hometownhighfive to Cookeville native Dillon James who just took a full-time position as a Sales Operations Coordinator with the Disney Vacation Club! He just recently moved to Florida.


Six year old Khloe Bouldin of McMinnville recently donated her hair to Locks Of Love. We thought this caring young lady deserved recognition!


‪#‎Hometownhighfive‬ to Holly Hanson of Crossville. Holly was named the new director of Roane State Community College’s Cumberland County Campus.


Hometown High Five to TTU Athletic Director Mark Wilson for being selected FCS ADA President for 2016-2017.


Livingston’s Sammy Talent was presented the Outstanding Achievement Award for his help with Livingston Academy Student Angler Federation and their participation in the World Championships this year!


Cumberland Co. High School teacher, Linda McDuffee was honored last week for her 40 year service to students as a chemistry teacher.


Lillian Upchurch from Prescott Elementary in Cookeville creates birthday boxes for other kids to guarantee they have a fun celebration on their special day!


Lisa Cope of McMinnville was named General Manager & CEO of Ben Lomand Connect.


Andrew Gothard of Cookeville was the top exhibitor at the Putnam County Fair winning 51 blue ribbons!


Congrats to Crossville’s Pat Murphy for winning the gold at the Senior Olympics in Franklin.


We salute Peggy Finger of Gainesboro  for receiving the Dortha Teeple Advocacy Award from the Upper Cumberland AAAD!


Hometown High Five to Sgt. Ronnie Simmons of the THP for his promotion to shift supervisor. Sgt. Simmons has been on the THP for 17 years.


Congratulations to Phillip Jennings of Clay County. He is the new Sanitation Director.


After 44 years of service, Susan Bray is retiring from the Clay County UT Extension office.


Chris Hennessee of McMinnville recently carried the Olympic Torch in Brazil ahead of the Olympic Games. He said it was surreal.


‪#‎HometownHighFive‬ to Jaclyn Reagan of Crossville who earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Longwood University in Virginia.


Local state trooper Billy Prater of Centertown was recently promoted to Lietenant after more than 30 years of service.


Congratulations to Carly Stout of Baxter for winning 2016 Putnam County Fairest Of The Fair.


‪#‎HometownHighFive‬ to the members of the Tennessee Magic recreational basketball team for being undefeated and winning the AAU 6th grade girl’s nationals.

